
Showing 501-525 of 1068
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
1993 Research in Negotiation of KMT & CC: 1935-1949 林慶南、Lin, Chin Nan thesis web page(466)
1994 中共經改與市民社會之發展 溫洽溢、Wen, Qia Yi thesis
1993 Study on Public Security Operation of the P.R.C - An Analysis for People`s Armed Police Troup of the P.R.C 楊錫銘、Young, Hsi Ming thesis
1993 Communist China`s Policy towards Taiwan under the Framework of ne Country, Two Systems" 許志嘉、Hsu, Chih-Chia thesis
1993 The Analysis of Politicsl and Economic Interaction Between Mainland China and Taiwan 許源派、Hsu, Yuan Pai thesis
1993 Soviet Economic Reform Study (1985-1990 Govacev`s Perestroika udy) 董崇豪、Tung, Chung Hao thesis
1993 The China`s Union:Analysis on P.R.C. Factor 鄒德發、Chou, Te Fa thesis
1993 Study on Population Mobility in the Mainland China (1979-1992) 曾櫻美、Zeng, Ying Mei thesis
1993 A Study on People-to-People Exchanges between Taiwan and Mainland China since 1987 李孟勳、Li, Meng Hsun thesis web page(381)
1993 A study on the urbanization of Shencheng Special Economic zones 王世杰、Wang, Shi Jei thesis
1993 The study of the discretion in criminal process of Mainland China 黃友信、Huang, Yu Hsin thesis
1993 Communist China`s Thought and Political Education in the olleges after "June 4" 黃寬裕、Hwang, Kuan Yuh thesis
1993 The Study of PRC`s Attitude regarding Law of Treay since 1979 林東麗、Lin, Dung Li thesis
1993 A Study of Taiwan Independence Movement and Taiwan Strait Unification Policy 黃仁傑、Huang, Jen Chiech thesis
1993 The Row Over the Economic Reforms within the Chinese Communist eadership and its Impact 朴壯載、Park, Jang Jae thesis
1993 China`s Regional Development Strategy and Formation of " Dukedom Economies" 周枝田、Chou, Chi Ten thesis
1993 Mainland China`s Cadres Policies towards Minorities(1979-1992) 王雲怡、Wang, Yun I thesis
1992 中國大陸改革開放後農村剩餘勞動力轉移問題之探討 劉衛邦、LIU, WEI-BANG thesis
1992 現階段中共對台談判策略分析 : 兩岸事務性談判個案研究(一九八七-一九九二) 蕭懷湘、XIAO, HUAI-XIANG thesis
1992 從國際因素看中共八0年代外交政策 黃忠榮、HUANG, ZHONG-RONG thesis
1992 中共改革過程中的政治權威 李奇正、LI, QI-ZHENG thesis
1992 1980年代以來中共政治精英與政經體制互動關係之研究 洪允杓、HONG, YUN-SHAO thesis web page(838)
1992 從「三個世界論」探討八0年代中共外交 廖平生、LIAO, PING-SHENG thesis
1992 中共經濟發展戰略變遷下日「中」經濟關係之研究 何思慎、HE, SI-SHEN thesis
1992 中共的對日政策(1978-1990) 汪莉絹、WANG, LI-JUAN thesis