
Showing 476-500 of 534
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2018-05 債券溢價之課稅爭議-美國法對我國法制之啟示 黃天偉 conference web page(423)
2019-11 CEO內部負債和企業社會責任之關聯性--風險管理與資源依賴觀點 CHIA-LIN LEE、CHIA-LIN LEE conference pdf(224)
2019-08 Corporate Social Responsibility and Nonaudit Service Fees CHIA-LIN LEE、CHIA-LIN LEE conference web page(232)
2015-11 Corporate Social Responsibility, Strategy, and Firm Performance CHIA-LIN LEE、CHIA-LIN LEE conference web page(267)
2019-08 Does Managerial Ability Matter for the Relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility and Firm Performance? CHIA-LIN LEE、CHIA-LIN LEE conference web page(233)
2016-05 Equity Incentives and Corporate Social Responsibility CHIA-LIN LEE、CHIA-LIN LEE conference web page(289)
2017-06 Firms strategies, business group, and external equity for IPO firms: Signal theory CHIA-LIN LEE、CHIA-LIN LEE conference pdf(377)
2021-06 Auditor Legal Liability and Stock Price Crash Risk: Evidence from Organizational Transformation of Chinese Audit Firms CHIA-HSIANG WENG conference web page(258)
2021-08 Does Disclosure of Key Audit Matters Improve Earnings Comparability? YU-TZU CHANG conference web page(371)
2020-08 The Effects of Income Tax Reform of the Sound Finance Program on the Implicit Tax of Imputation Credit and Corporate Tax Avoidance MING-CHIN CHEN conference web page(281)
2021-09 稅務風險對國際化贗度之影響 MING-CHIN CHEN conference web page(425)
2021-04 Does Size Matter? Evidence from Non-Big 4 Audit Firms in an Emerging Market using a Quantile Regression Analysis CHIEN-MIN PAN、CHIEN-MIN PAN conference web page(465)
2022-05 How do Auditors Respond to Accounting Restatements? Evidence on Audit Staff Allocation CHIEN-MIN PAN、CHIEN-MIN PAN conference pdf(258)
2021-08 The Timeliness of Misstatement Discovery: An Audit Partner-Level Analysis CHIEN-MIN PAN、CHIEN-MIN PAN conference web page(326)
2020-07 The Impact of Managerial Overconfidence and Top Management Compensation Structure on Innovation Performance: Evidence from Taiwan’s Electronics Industry CHENG-JEN HUANG、Huang, George、Chung, Min-Shan conference pdf(406)
2022-01 Understanding Corporate Governance in Business Groups: Lobbying by Subsidiary CEO for R&D Investment CHENG-JEN HUANG、Huang, Cheng Jen、Shao, Jun、ANNE WU、Boh, Wai Fong conference pdf(230)
2019-09 創新能力與被投資國家競爭力對重要客戶銷售比例與營運績效之影響 CHENG-JEN HUANG、Huang, Cheng Jen、蔡議賢 conference pdf(249)
2021-09 普祺樂實業有限公司—從業務思維到共贏策略 CHENG-JEN HUANG、Huang, Cheng Jen conference
2022-06 Can Insider Board and Board Professionalism Improve Innovation Investment? CHIA-HSIANG WENG、Weng, Chia-Hsiang、Hsueh, Hsien Ethan、YENN-RU CHEN conference web page(301)
2022-08 The Impact of Knowledge Base and Technology Relatedness on M&A Innovation Performance: Evidence from Taiwan Electronics Industry CHENG-JEN HUANG、Huang, Cheng-Jen、Chen, Guo-Wei conference pdf(243)
2022-07 Deterrent disclosure: An other evidence from late request to patent examination 黃天偉、Hwang, Tien-Wei conference web page(197)
2022-02 The effect of tax deferral election on competition for the employee 黃天偉、Hwang, Tien-Wei conference pdf(162)
2022-12 Managerial Characteristics and Investment Efficiency: Evidence from CEO’s Zodiac CHIEN-MIN PAN、李婉綺、Pan, Kevin Chien-Min、Lee, Wan-Chi conference pdf(50)
2022-12 The Association between Cash Holdings and Cost Stickiness CHIEN-MIN PAN、廖思宇、Pan, Kevin Chien-Min、Liao, Si-Yu conference pdf(67)
2022-12 The Association between Investment Efficiency and Board Age CHIEN-MIN PAN、周侑蓁、Pan, Kevin Chien-Min、Chou, Yu Chen conference pdf(50)