Publications-Periodical Articles

Showing 676-700 of 978
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2011-03 上帝與時間:論奧古斯丁和胡塞爾的神學觀點 LEE-CHUN LO article pdf(1029)
2011-02 理性宗教的超驗建構問題──對胡塞爾之宗教思考的研究, LEE-CHUN LO article pdf(847)
2009-04 胡塞爾對事實之絕對性和非必然性的解釋 LEE-CHUN LOLEE-CHUN LO article pdf(816)
2010-05 \"Theological Voluntarism\" and Contemporary Divine Command Theory YEUK-SIU LAUYEUK-SIU LAU article pdf(880)
2010-12 On Contemporary Divine Command Theorists` Response to the Anything Goes Objection YEUK-SIU LAU article pdf(976)
2011-03 The Theory of Buddha-bodies in the Context of Soteriology-focusing on the Mahāyānasamgraha 耿晴、Keng, Ching article pdf(912)
2010-11 詞語的啟示與傳統-論哈曼對於康德先驗哲學的語文學後設批判 YUAN-TSE LIN article pdf(1262)
2010-12 語言哲學的不同聲音-論洪堡特語言觀的世界開顯性與理性對話性 YUAN-TSE LIN article pdf(879)
2010-08 Why Don`t We Do What We Should?——On Virtue Education and its Foundations in Judgments of Responsibility of Authenticity and Solidarity YUAN-TSE LINYUAN-TSE LIN article
2011-06 Tang Chun-I on Affective Communion and Spiritual Realm: A Guiding Clue for Topology KUAN-MIN HUANG、KUAN-MIN HUANG article pdf(852)
2011-01 主體之位──唐君毅與列維納斯的倫理學思考 KUAN-MIN HUANG、KUAN-MIN HUANG article web page(1206)
2010-12 The Fissure of Subjectivity: Imagination in Early Foucault KUAN-MIN HUANG、KUAN-MIN HUANG article pdf(1066)
2009-12 遊於方外--想像與身體經驗 KUAN-MIN HUANG、KUAN-MIN HUANG article pdf(1357)
2009-11 The Bodily Subjectivity in the Touching: Maurice Merleau-Ponty and Michel Henry KUAN-MIN HUANG、KUAN-MIN HUANG article pdf(1286)
2009-10 Dwelling an Solitude in the Poetics of Bachelard: A Poetic Topology KUAN-MIN HUANG、KUAN-MIN HUANG article pdf(897)
2009-09 Mou Tsung-san`s Theory of Gangtong: A Conceptual Examination KUAN-MIN HUANG、KUAN-MIN HUANG article pdf(876)
2010-06 Vitality: Imagination and the Place of Nature KUAN-MIN HUANG、KUAN-MIN HUANG article pdf(928)
2009-07 A Divergence in the Theory of Imagination: Bachelard and Sartre KUAN-MIN HUANG、KUAN-MIN HUANG article pdf(973)
2009-04 Divinity and Touching-A Phenomenological Reflexion on the Imperative \"noli me tangere\" KUAN-MIN HUANG、KUAN-MIN HUANG article pdf(671)
2009-03 The Ethical Imagination in Bachelard’s Reading of Nietzsche KUAN-MIN HUANG、KUAN-MIN HUANG article pdf(1750)
2008-12 試論畢來德的莊子詮釋:一個現象學的批判反省 KUAN-MIN HUANG、KUAN-MIN HUANG article pdf(961)
2012-04 論規範遵循之可期待性的理性基礎-試從對話倫理學的應用問題論道德、法權與政治責任之規範效力差異與互補 YUAN-TSE LIN article pdf(1107)
2012-09 克己復禮為仁-論儒家實踐理性類型學的後習俗責任倫理學重構 YUAN-TSE LIN、Lin , Yuan-tse article pdf(1198)
2012-07 沒有拒絕」是否即是「同意」:藍騰與傑克森論「拒絕不可說」 KUANG-MING CHENG article pdf(530)
2012-08 禮治與正名-論儒家對於政治正當性之倫常奠基的道德文法學構想 YUAN-TSE LIN article