Publications-Periodical Articles

Showing 1851-1864 of 1864
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2023-11 A Study on the Influence of Rater Effect on the Fairness of Oral Examination Scoring MIN-NING YU、Yu, Min-Ning article web page(119)
2024-08 夠不夠「格」? — 從多元文化觀點檢視一位韓國碩士生在臺留學的制度障礙 SHU-CHING LEE、黃珠榮、梁瀞文、黃致瑋 article web page(140)
2024-07 The Should-be, and Ought-to-be Interdisciplinary of Educational Field: I Have Been on the Way of Practicing “Mixed” SHU-CHING LEE、SHU-CHING LEE article web page(105)
2024-07 Values and valuing pedagogies in affect-focused mathematics teaching MEI-SHIU CHIUMEI-SHIU CHIU、Seah, Wee Tiong article web page(144)
2022-03 「想法中心教育」的跨域研究趨勢 HUANG-YAO HONG article web page(107)
2024-07 透過提問、討論與影片製作三步驟以翻新學生之文化知識 HUANG-YAO HONG、洪國財、許菱雅、張芷瑄、HUANG-YAO HONGHUANG-YAO HONG、Shiu, Ling-Yia、Chang, Chih-Hsuan article web page(164)
2003-03 APA出版手冊第五版本:文末參考文獻之格式 I-HUA CHANG article web page(107)
2001-05 科技在美術教學上的應用:以美國現況為例 I-HUA CHANG article web page(108)
2024-02 The role of family conflict and school problems in adolescent emotion dynamics WAN-CHEN CHENWAN-CHEN CHENWAN-CHEN CHEN、Ting, Shi-Jane、Hung, Ya-Feng、Sung, Yu-Hsien article web page(129)
2024-09 Exploring Psychologists’ Perspectives on Preparation and Practical Experience of Tele-Counseling WAN-CHEN CHEN、宋呈澔、黃俐瑀、陳柏霖、洪雅鳳 article pdf(86)
2024-08 Parents’ perspectives on using virtual reality for learning mathematics: Identifying factors for innovative technology acceptance MEI-SHIU CHIUMEI-SHIU CHIU、Zhu, Meihua article web page(81)
2023-12 A Survey Study on Feasible Developmental Supervision Models CHAO-YU GUO article web page(86)
2024-06 A Study on the Revision, Reliability and Validity Evaluation of Taiwan Spiritual Well-Being Scale for Psychologist 黃佑嘉、陳柏霖、Huang, Yu-Chia、Chen, Po-Lin article web page(41)
2024-11 Body as Mediator? Institutionalizing Bodily Disciplinary Techniques, Identities and Reflexive Practices of Female High School Dance Class Students in Taiwan SHU-CHING LEE、廖翊廷 article web page(30)