Publications-Periodical Articles

Showing 751-775 of 2430
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2006-07 The interactive effects of personal traits and guided practices on preservice teachers` changes in personal teaching efficacy YU-CHU YEH article pdf(5939)
2007-04 Aptitude-treatment interactions in preservice teachers` behavior change during computer-simulated teaching YU-CHU YEH article pdf(5564)
2003-09 目標設定與同儕比較對兒童自我效能及除法學習表現之影響 SHU-SHEN SHIH article pdf(994)
2004-03 成就目標、自我效能、以及策略使用在考試焦慮上所扮演之角色 SHU-SHEN SHIH article pdf(2286)
2004-09 幽默訓練融入綜合活動對國一學生創造思考與人際因應之影響 YI-YING HUANG article pdf(976)
2005-09 Taiwanese sixth graders` achievement goals and their motivation strategy use and grades: An examination of the multiple goal perspective SHU-SHEN SHIH article pdf(2532)
2007-05 The role of motivational characteristics in Taiwanese sixth graders` avoidance of help seeking in the classroom SHU-SHEN SHIH、Shih, Shu‐Shen article pdf(2007)
2008-03 The Relation of Self-Determination and Achievement Goals to Taiwanese Eighth Graders` Behavioral and Emotional Engagement in Schoolwork SHU-SHEN SHIHSHU-SHEN SHIH article pdf(3047)
2001-12 建構與辯證統整課程課程發展之「系統分形模式」--系統典範與分形理論觀點 YI-YING HUANG article pdf(1321)
2006-05 普羅大眾說出「創造力」的語言及其反映的思維:以2003年臺灣45-69歲社群為例 YI-YING HUANG article pdf(1174)
2001-11 從發展型管理看校長的學校經營 MU-JIN CHEN article pdf(1574)
2004-02 Nurturing reflective teaching during critical-thinking instruction in a computer simulation program YU-CHU YEH article pdf(3792)
2004-03 The interactive influences of three ecological systems on R & D personnel’s technological creativity YU-CHU YEH article pdf(2273)
2006-06 The Cognitive Processes of Pupils` Technological Creativity YU-CHU YEH article pdf(2886)
2006-09 教室目標結構與成就目標取向對國小學童自我阻礙行為及考試焦慮之預測作用 SHU-SHEN SHIH article pdf(4482)
2006-06 兒童解釋形態、領域知識及創意生活經驗與科技創造力之關係 YU-CHU YEH article pdf(2568)
2009 Integrating e-learning into the Direct-instruction Model to enhance the effectiveness of critical-thinking instruction YU-CHU YEHYU-CHU YEH article pdf(3637)
2009 Development of design criteria and evaluation scale for web-based learning platforms Hsu, C. M.、 Yeh, Y. C.、Yen, J. article pdf(7837)
2003-06 統整課程及其「系統分形模式」之再認識:尋找另一條認識的出路 YI-YING HUANG article
2002-03 系統典範作為引發典範躍遷的一種可能--以系統典範觀點探究「統整課程之課程發展」為例 YI-YING HUANG article
2003-10 學術社群說出「創造力」的語言及其反映的思維:一般創造力與兒童創造力研究文本對照中的啟示 YI-YING HUANG article
2005-10 影響國小學童科技創意發展的因素之量表發展 YU-CHU YEH article
2006-04 普羅大眾說出「創造力」的語言及其反映的思維:以2003年臺灣6-19歲社群為例 YI-YING HUANG article
2006-10 學術社群說出創造力的語言及其反映的思維:以三大創造力研究文本為例 YI-YING HUANG article pdf(1160)
2003-04 實習教師信念改變的影響因素之探討 YU-CHU YEH article