
Showing 176-200 of 269
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2016-11 Tradition – Imitation – Innovation. Beobachtungen an den Sangsprüchen des Guter 姚紹基Yao, Shao-Ji article pdf(450)
2012-12 論傑哈奈何瓦爾《東方之旅》中主體身分的尋覓 舒卡夏Stachura, Katarzyna article pdf(352)
2016-09 Consideraciones de la identidad cultural y la demarginalizacion en la novela negra espanola contemporanea 楊瓊瑩 article 說明頁(1180)
2016-10 Considering a first deconstructionist approach to teaching German Literature in Taiwan. 蔡莫妮、Monika Leipelt-Tsai article pdf(553)
2016-01 De los paratextos a la ideología del mecenazgo en las traducciones de El tiempo entre costuras en chino simplificado y no simplificado 古孟玄Ku, Menghsuan article 說明頁(775)
2016-12 論瑪汀‧凱伊特的《奇特的是活下去》及《離家》中之女性主體、母性及城市空間 楊瓊瑩Yang, Chung-Ying article 說明頁(733)
2012-04 Application of data envelopment analysis on the indicators contributing to learning and teaching performance Huang, Shio-Ling、Lee, Chia-Chi、Lin, Tyrone T. article pdf(367)
2011-11 A Learning Performance Evaluation with Benchmarking Concept for English Writing Courses. 孟丞書Montoneri, Bernard、Lee, C. C.、Lin, T. T.、Huang, Shio-Ling article pdf(227)
2015-02 Impact of Students` Participation to a Facebook Group on their Motivation and Scores and on Teacher`s Evaluation. 孟丞書Montoneri, Bernard article pdf(278)
2006-06 中文裡的假設VS.德文中的虛擬 徐安妮An-Nie Hsu article pdf(357)
2008-12 翻譯過程中文化信息的處理-以德國青少年文學的中文翻譯為例 徐安妮An-Nie Hsu article pdf(251)
2009-12 Modalpartikeln als Übersetzungsproblem. Die deutschen Modalpartikeln doch, ja, mal und ihre funktionalen Äquivalente im Chinesischen 徐安妮An-Nie Hsu article pdf(430)
2010-06 戲劇翻譯初探--以德國當代青少年劇作的中譯為例 徐安妮An-Nie Hsu article pdf(230)
2017-09 政黨雙歧不確定的糾結:成因、決策過程、媒體接收與行為意向 張卿卿Chang, Chingching article pdf(396)
2003 La révolte des femmes dans la Colonie de Marivaux. 孟丞書Montoneri, Bernard article 說明頁(410)
2013-07 譯與易之間 – 從功能翻譯的視角檢視E-PLAN腳本的德譯 徐安妮Hsu, An-Nie article pdf(507)
2016-07 一齣喜劇,兩種笑點 – 德語喜劇電影字幕翻譯中的順應 徐安妮Hsu, An-Nie article 說明頁(667)
2017-03 Facebook Posts as Complementary Teaching Material for a French University Course in Taiwan. 孟丞書Montoneri, Bernard article pdf(454)
2011-12 Traductions chinoises du Mariage de Figaro: Problèmes, omissions et contresens. 孟丞書Montoneri, Bernard article pdf(328)
2013-06 Assessing the teaching and learning performance of English freshmen writing courses by applying Data Envelopment Analysis and Management Matrix. 孟丞書Montoneri, Bernard、Lee, C. C.、Lin, T. T. article pdf(383)
2010-12 Chinese Translations of The Little Prince in Taiwan: Problems, Errors and Misunderstandings. 孟丞書Montoneri, Bernard article pdf(411)
2002-06 Le mariage de Figaro: un texte fondamental dans l’histoire du féminisme ? 孟丞書Montoneri, Bernard article pdf(370)
1997-12 Influence du thème de l`accumulation des mérites sur l`impression des sutras: exemple du Couperet de diamant. 孟丞書Montoneri, Bernard article pdf(241)
2006-05 Study of Three Animals in some European Fairy Tales. 孟丞書Montoneri, Bernard、Huang, Shio-Ling article pdf(360)
2013-12 Representing the Demonic Image: Hecate, Weird Sisters and Lady Macbeth in Shakespeare’s Macbeth. Chen, Yilin孟丞書Montoneri, Bernard article pdf(395)