Publications-Periodical Articles

Showing 101-125 of 126

Graduate Institute of Law and Interdisciplinary Studies



Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2017-02 生物醫學研究及其技術移轉的利益衝突(Conflict of Interest)議題──研究倫理與法令規範 HUNG-EN LIUHUNG-EN LIU article pdf(192)
2019-06 破解二元對立,改寫能動主體:性暴力受害者脆弱性的正面意義 HSIAO-TAN WANGHSIAO-TAN WANG article web page(597)
2019-09 Justice, Emotion, and Belonging: Legal Consciousness in a Taiwanese Family Conflict HSIAO-TAN WANG、Wang, Hsiao-Tan  article pdf(452)
2020-09 美國對於人體細胞和組織產品之管理規範 HUNG-EN LIUHUNG-EN LIU article pdf(197)
2020-01 Regulations on Clinical Trial Recruitment and Advertising HUNG-EN LIUHUNG-EN LIU article pdf(305)
2020-10 審核新冠疫苗,台竟比美寬鬆? HUNG-EN LIUHUNG-EN LIU article pdf(245)
2020-12 評我國食藥署關於COVID-19疫苗臨床試驗受試者徵求及緊急授權使用 (EUA)之政策 HUNG-EN LIUHUNG-EN LIU article pdf(229)
2020-10 Book Discussion - The Politics of Love in Myanmar: LGBT Mobilization and Human Rights as a Way of Life HSIAO-TAN WANGHSIAO-TAN WANG article pdf(236)
2021-11 理解法律多元 ──行動者視角的分析框架 HSIAO-TAN WANGHSIAO-TAN WANG article web page(262)
2012-06 台灣離婚調解制度的演變:兼論家事事件法關於調解程序的若干疑問 HUNG-EN LIUHUNG-EN LIU article pdf(206)
2020-12 德國關於美容醫學醫療廣告之自律與法律規範 HUNG-EN LIUHUNG-EN LIU、洪藝齊 article pdf(310)
2021-11 COVID-19 EUA Vaccine Injury Compensation and Its Causality Assessment HUNG-EN LIUHUNG-EN LIU article web page(487)
2022-03 Revisualizing "Normal and Abnormal" as a Continuum: Rights, Stigma, and Legal Consciousness of People with Disability HSIAO-TAN WANG、李采俞、HSIAO-TAN WANG、Li, Cai-yu article web page(270)
2022-06 Rape Victims’ Agency Redefined: Identity and Emotion in Legal Consciousness HSIAO-TAN WANG、盧穎鈺、HSIAO-TAN WANG、Lu, Yin-yu article web page(334)
2022-11 「婚前協議」約定未來離婚贍養費之性質與效力 HUNG-EN LIU article web page(236)
2022-09 論美容醫學行為適用消費者保護法之法理與比較法問題 HUNG-EN LIU article web page(235)
2022-05 Being One of Us: The Role of Mutual Recognition and Emotion in Shaping Legal Consciousness in a Taiwanese Neighborhood Dispute HSIAO-TAN WANGHSIAO-TAN WANG article web page(279)
2022-12 Inheriting Mother’s Surname: Subject Position and Legal Consciousness in Multiple Relationship HSIAO-TAN WANG、柯元惠 article web page(195)
2022-12 Legal Consciousness Studies: Law as a Cultural Practice and Its Constraints and Enablements in Structures of Power and Inequality HSIAO-TAN WANGHSIAO-TAN WANG article web page(241)
2023-04 小孩的壓歲錢要給爸媽保管嗎?--論民法第1088條父母對子女特有財產之權利 HUNG-EN LIU article web page(213)
2014-09 Survival in the Red Ocean: Marketing Strategies for Small- and Medium-Sized Nonprofit Organizations ANNA,YUH-MING YANANNA,YUH-MING YAN、Yen, Rebecca Huey-ming article web page(137)
2023-10 論智慧裝置上行動醫療應用程式之法律管制︰以 Apple Watch相關功能之爭議為例 HUNG-EN LIUHUNG-EN LIU article web page(127)
2024-01 國際醫學倫理政策與法規瞭望︰加拿大醫學會關於直接售予消費者之基因檢測之政策聲明 HUNG-EN LIU article web page(100)
2023-06 Constructing Multiple and Practicable Subjects: How Does Legal Mobilization Promote Indigenous Self-Government? A Case Study of the Katratripulr Solar Case HSIAO-TAN WANGHSIAO-TAN WANG article web page(85)
2024-09 原住民族法律解殖——拆解法律敘事的殖民暴力遺緒,並邁向法律多元主義 HSIAO-TAN WANG article web page(159)