
Showing 1-25 of 65
Date Title Type Full Text Scopus WOS Altmetric
2018-02 Marketing Mix, Consumer Value, and Consumer Loyalty in Social Commerce: A Stimulus-Organism-Response Perspective article pdf(441)
2018 Editorial. article 說明頁(468)
2017-01 Information Management Research in Taiwan: Historical Retrospect and Future Outlook article pdf(2080)
2017 Weather uncertainty effect on tourism demand article pdf(354)
2016-04 Nurturing User Creative Performance in Social Media Networks: An Integration of Habit of Use with Social Capital and Information Exchange Theories article pdf(456)
2016-02 影響博物館導覽系統設計於智慧型行動電話應用程式之因素探討 article pdf(446)
2015-12 A Multilevel Model of Information System Success in the User Department: Integrating Job Performance Theory and Field Theory article 說明頁(586)
2015-12 A Multilevel Approach to Examine Employees` Loyal Use of ERP Systems in Organizations article pdf(376)
2015-07 User adoption of wisdom of crowd: usage and performance of prediction market system article 說明頁(942)pdf(617)
2015-04 家登精密--殺雞焉用牛刀,成本該算誰的 article 說明頁(707)
2014.08 Improving the Effectiveness of Experiential Decisions by Recommendation Systems article pdf(996)
2014-07 Corporate politics, philanthropy and governance: Their impacts on unit performance article pdf(399)
2014-01 Adoption of Mobile Internet Devices and Services: A Multinational Study article pdf(1141)
2014 The effect of philanthropic marketing on brand resonance and consumer satisfaction of CSR performance: Does media self-regulation matter? article pdf(662)
2013-11 Co-Authorship Networks and Research Impact: A Social Capital Perspective article 說明頁(1337)
2013-03 Citation Patterns in Organization and Management Journals: Margins and Centres article pdf(1101)
2012.06 Exploring Consumer Value of Multi-Channel Shopping: A Perspective of Means-End Theory article pdf(1097)
2012-01 Service innovation activities in e-government initiatives: the Taiwan experience article pdf(871)
2011-08 The Effect of Channel Quality Inconsistency on the Association between E-Service Quality and Customer Relationships article pdf(850)
2011-05 Understanding Web 2.0 service models: A knowledge-creating perspective article pdf(1037)
2011-02 Beyond ERP Implementation: The Moderating Effect of Knowledge Management on Business Performance article pdf(959)
2011-01 影音分享網站使用者意圖之研究 article pdf(894)
2010-11 The Effect of Information Technology Adoption and Design Customisation on the Success of New Product Development article pdf(884)
2009-11 iCare Home Portal: An Extended Model of Quality Aging e-Services article pdf(1105)