Publications- All

Showing 1-25 of 72
Date Title Type Full Text
2022-12 A six-year longitudinal study of parenting and depressive symptoms among Taiwanese adolescents article web page(250)
2022-12 「在荊棘中邁向真實自我」:跨性別女性向父母現身之歷程研究 article web page(156)
2022-12 Temporariness and uncertainties in life: A study of Taiwanese temporary academics’ negotiations of professional identity, work-life balance, and future imagination conference web page(192)
2022-10 Using a Delphi technique to build a competency framework for full-time counselling teachers in Taiwan article web page(174)
2022-10 「通訊諮商的美麗與哀愁」:初探心理師在疫情下之通訊諮商執行經驗 conference pdf(70)
2022-09 The development and implementation of online video-based simulation training on strengthening pre-service teachers’ competence in bullying intervention article web page(180)
2022-08 歐洲臺灣移民新冠肺炎(COVID-19)前/後微歧視生活經驗與因應策略之初探 article web page(158)
2022-07 初探教師諮詢在學校輔導中的實踐:從雙師觀點建構 conference pdf(110)
2021-10 「成為自我」:初探男跨女跨性別者向家人現身之相關互動經驗 conference
2021-10 探究、深化、茁壯-臺灣中小學專任輔導教師專業知能建構之初探研究 conference web page(204)
2021-06 Exploring teachers’ competence in immediately intervening in school bullying: developing a valid intervening process article web page(248)
2020-12 攻讀跨國雙聯博士學制之國際移動體驗與意涵:以比利時臺灣雙聯博士學位學生為例 article web page(130)
2020-11 Envisaging mitigation action can induce lower discounting toward future environmental gains and promote pro-environmental behavior article web page(265)
2020-11 Negotiating Multi-layered Cultural Identities: A Study of Pan-Chinese Immigrant Descendants in Belgium article pdf(172)
2020-09 Experiences of International Students from the New Southbound Policy Countries in Taiwan: Their Motivations and Negotiations of Cultural Differences article web page(173)
2020-08 Teachers’ cognitions and handling strategies regarding bully-victims article web page(186)
2020-06 臺灣學校輔導系統之發展:邁向系統觀點與專業資源整合 article web page(159)
2020-01 Using episodic future thinking to pre-experience climate change increases pro-environmental behavior article web page(186)
2019-08 School bullying management : the constructs of teacher’s competence in timely handling school bullying conference web page(207)
2019-06 給孩子一個長大的機會-兒童虐待相關概念、困境與建議 article web page(202)
2019-02 走出精彩的人生-論國中生涯輔導實施近況與可能挑戰 article web page(308)
2019-01 Associations between callous-unemotional traits and various types of involvement in school bullying among adolescents in Taiwan article web page(241)
2018-12 Teachers’ Recognition of School Bullying According to Background Variables and Type of Bullying article web page(168)
2018-12 Strengthening teacher training in higher education: what about school bullying management? conference web page(196)
2018-10 上癮?尚癮?臺灣青少年網路成癮現況與相關防制策略探究 article web page(203)