Publications- All

Showing 1-25 of 320
Date Title Type Full Text
2025-07 元宇宙的深度體驗:探索虛擬實境中的敬畏情緒對心理健康與創意思維能力之提升效果 report web page(51)
2024-08 少子化困境之軍校因應策略:恆毅力模型建構與培育方案成效評估 report web page(41)
2024-07 111至112學年度國民中小學學習扶助學習數據分析計畫 report
2024-07 Effects of deliberate practice on enhancing grit of military cadets conference web page(16)
2024-07 Impact on preschool children’s development of social-emotional-learning abilities by family’s SECS conference web page(15)
2024-06 沉浸式虛擬實境應用:軍校生敬畏情緒對利社會行為之影響 article web page(69)
2024-03 父母的語言與憂鬱情緒會影響嬰幼兒及學齡前兒童社會情緒學習能力的發展嗎? conference web page(17)
2023-11 評分者效應對口試評分公平性影響問題之探討 article web page(45)
2023-09 自我超越的情緒與超越自我的表現:敬畏情緒的正向影響效果 article web page(104)
2023-07 你是不是機器人?社會情緒學習能力發展之研究 report web page(161)
2023-07 高中興趣喜好能否預測大一學習表現:以一所私立大學為例 article web page(90)
2023-06 To stay or not to stay?軍校生恆毅力影響與預測效果分析 article web page(149)
2023-05 Implementation of GPCM and TPPCM in the Bayesian framework conference pdf(24)
2023-05 Teacher support and parent involvement for promoting academic performance: the mediation effect of social-emotional performance conference pdf(15)
2023-05 The metaverse is coming: Using virtual reality to enhance positive emotions and behaviors of military cadets conference pdf(21)
2022-12 Empirical development and verification of career well-being scale for teachers in Taiwan: Implications for workplace counseling article web page(204)
2022-12 Measuring academic resilience of socioeconomically disadvantaged students in Taiwan 2011–2017: Two-part latent class growth modeling based on IRT scores article web page(167)
2022-12 有筆試就好了,為何還需要口試? other pdf(35)
2022-11 新住民與非新住民家庭學習環境資源的差異分析 article web page(200)
2022-10 軍校生退學模式建構與驗證 conference web page(246)
2022-09 教育測驗與評量:成就測驗與教學評量(第四版) book web page(260)
2022-09 軍校生恆毅力概念建構與量表發展研究 article web page(171)
2022-07 109年國民中小學補救教學學習成效數據分析計畫 report
2022-07 人窮,志窮?學業復原力及全面心理健康對緩和馬太效應影響之研究 report web page(251)
2022-03 敬畏情緒量表的編製發展與驗證之研究 article web page(153)