Publications- All

Showing 1-25 of 38
Date Title Type Full Text
2024-01 Retaliation on Social Media: Elucidating the Roles of Perceived Betrayal in Forming Negative Megaphoning in Data Breach Crises article web page(103)
2023-11 Timeliness, responsiveness and the human voice: The effects of dialogic strategies and the mediating role of perceived communication ethicality on social media relationship building article web page(178)
2023-05 Perceived Ethicality and Dialogic Communication Strategies as Predictors of Organization-Public Relationships on Social Media conference web page(341)
2021-05 社群媒體上的危機溝通 conference web page(457)
2021-01 社群公關倫理的理論與實踐 article pdf(312)
2020-07 社群媒體時代下的公關專業倫理:探討公關倫理核心價值與挑戰 article pdf(328)
2020-05 臉書粉絲參與品牌官方粉絲專頁之動機與社群公關內容經營策略 conference pdf(238)
2019-11 Cultivating relationships with fans on Facebook: Discussing the ethical dimensions of corporate PR and marketing communication on social media conference web page(490)
2018-12 由負轉正的新取徑:探討正向心理學於未來健康傳播研究與健康宣導實務之應用 book/chapter pdf(198)
2018-12 探討「快時尚」與「廢時尚」的新聞框架、公關議題管理與企業永續 book/chapter pdf(259)
2018-12 由負轉正的新取徑:探討正向心理學於未來健康傳播研究 與健康宣導實務之應用 conference pdf(221)
2013.07 新聞中的「偽科學」內容分析研究 article pdf(1045)
2013-07 新聞中的「偽科學」內容分析研究 article pdf(1056)
2013-07 Discovering the unexplored in science communication: Pseudoscience news article pdf(814)
2012-10 Strategic and Ethical Issues in Antismoking Message Development: How U.S. Public Health Campaigners Conceptualize Efficacy and Ethicality article web page(1739)
2012-08 Ethics Management in Public Relations: Practitioner Conceptualizations of Ethical Leadership, Knowledge, Training and Compliance article pdf(1129)
2012 公關從業人員的新挑戰:網路新媒體的應用與專業倫理之考量 report pdf(815)
2011-01 Characteristics and Dimensions of Ethical Leadership in Public Relations article pdf(1217)
2011 公關從業人員的新挑戰:網路新媒體的應用與專業倫理之考量 report web page(863)
2010-01 Assessing the TARES as an ethical model for antismoking ads article pdf(1651)
2010 公眾對於科技的理解及參與---從訊息產製到閱聽眾接收-有效的科技傳播---公眾認知與媒體呈現(III) report pdf(689)
2009-11 Effective Science Communication: Public Perceptions and Media Representation conference
2009-05 The effects of frame, appeal, and outcome extremity of antismoking messages on cognitive processing article pdf(1365)
2009.01 [書評], 危機傳播與溝通[評危機傳播與溝通:計畫、管理、與回應 柯姆斯著] article pdf(672)
2009-01 危機傳播與溝通 article pdf(706)