2021-09 |
策略執行績效鈍化之檢視:策略矩陣分析法 |
article |
web page(257) |
2021-03 |
競合中的競爭動態:策略矩陣分析法 |
article |
pdf(302) |
2020-01 |
The dance of turning cooperation into coopetition |
conference |
pdf(466) |
2018-04 |
How rival partners compete based on cooperation? |
article |
pdf(738) |
2017-09 |
Forming a Learning Network across Transactional Networks: The Case of the A-Team in Taiwan Bicycle Industry |
article |
pdf(555) |
2016-06 |
Dynamics of external fit and internal fit: case of electronics industry |
article |
pdf(438) |
2016-06 |
Relational capital, strategic alliances and learning: In-depth analysis of Chinese-Russian cases in Taiwan |
article |
pdf(385) |
2016 |
競合中的緊張狀態:驅動因素及其對競爭與合作之影響 |
report |
web page(120) |
2015-12 |
從代工到自創品牌:在合作中啟動競爭 |
article |
pdf(784) |
2014 |
與競爭者合作:動態競合之多階段研究 |
report |
pdf(324) |
2013 |
以競合觀點探討從代工到自有品牌策略 |
report |
pdf(542) |
2012.11 |
Is cooperation with competitors a good idea? An example in practice |
article |
pdf(1279) |
2012-08 |
以智慧資本導航工具探討社福機構之婦女服務方案資源管理 |
article |
pdf(1117) |
2012 |
當代中國商管議題之整合研究-總計畫暨子計畫五:大陸企業之成長策略 |
report |
web page(805)pdf(401) |
2012 |
以競合觀點探討從代工到自有品牌策略 |
report |
pdf(371) |
2011.06 |
Intellectual capitals, business models and performance measurements in forming strategic network |
article |
pdf(970) |
2011-01 |
Resource fit in inter-firm partnership: intellectual capital perspective |
article |
pdf(1132) |
2011 |
競合動態與績效:行動研究法 |
report |
pdf(425) |
2011 |
當代中國商管議題之整合研究-總計畫暨子計畫五:大陸企業之成長策略 |
report |
web page(653) |
2010-06 |
社區心理健康中心創新營運模式之建構 |
article |
pdf(748) |
2010.03 |
Managing Triads in a Military Avionics Service Maintenance Network in Taiwan |
article |
pdf(1002) |
2010 |
競合動態與績效---行動研究法 |
report |
pdf(178) |
2010 |
醫療網絡內部競爭之管理: 英國與台灣之跨國比較研究 |
report |
pdf(389) |
2009-09 |
The Coexistence of Competition and Cooperation between Networks: Implications from Two Taiwanese Healthcare Networks |
article |
pdf(1439) |
2009-09 |
Partner Nationality, Market Focus and IJV Performance: A Contingent Approach |
article |
pdf(1319) |