Publications- All

Showing 1-25 of 43
Date Title Type Full Text
2024-09 Perspectives of ELF-informed teachers in Taiwan article web page(52)
2024-08 Comparative perspectives on bilingual policy in Taiwan: Implementation and implications of bilingual education conference pdf(27)
2024-08 Critical Discourse Analysis of Global Competence in Taiwan's English Curriculum Guidelines conference pdf(18)
2024-04 Leveraging ESP teachers’ roles: EMI university teachers’ professional development in medical and healthcare fields article web page(109)
2023-03 The ESP teachers` role in EMI profession development. (Invited Colloquium) conference pdf(55)
2023-01 CLIL development in bilingual education in Taiwan: Past, present, and future article web page(309)
2022-11 Translanguaging in Regulative, Affective, and Instructional Discourses: A Conversation Analysis of CLIL Courses in Elementary Schools in Taiwan conference web page(238)
2022-10 大商管領域英語授課教學實例分析 book/chapter
2022-03 臺灣雙語教學資源書:全球在地化課程設計與教學實踐 book
2021-08 Translanguaging in EMI higher education in Taiwan: Learner perception and agenc book/chapter pdf(230)
2021-07 “I was a class leader”: Exploring a Chinese English teacher’s negative emotions in leadership development in Taiwan article web page(251)
2021 English medium instruction in higher education in Taiwan book/chapter web page(297)
2020-08 Perpetuating or penetrating? The discursive construction of CLIL teacher identity and agency conference web page(750)
2020-03 Supporting EMI Professional Development: From A Network Perspective conference web page(642)
2019-05 English-medium instruction in law and the humanities in higher education: the role of teacher identity. article web page(338)
2019-01 English-medium instruction in law and the humanities in higher education: the role of teacher identity article web page(438)
2018-12 CLIL in Visual Arts. conference
2018-12 Teacher Agency in Negotiating Preferable Teacher Identities: CLIL in Arts in Primary Education in Taiwan. conference
2018-11 CLIL在視覺藝術的應用。鄒文莉、高實玫主編。 book web page(1053)
2018-03 “What’s the purpose of using English-medium Instruction (EMI)?” Teacher Agency in Identity Construction in the EMI Contexts. conference
2018-01 Learner resistance to English-medium instruction practices: A qualitative case study. article pdf(216)
2018 Learner Resistance to English-medium Instruction Practices: A Qualitative Case Study article pdf(551)
2017-10 Constructing Identity in Language Education in Taiwan: An Introduction article pdf(419)
2017 Constructing identity in global contexts: An Introduction. article pdf(198)
2015-04 Affordance of English-Medium Instruction Contexts in Taiwan article pdf(436)