2024-09 |
Mussel-inspired sticky self-healing conductive hydrogels composites for physiological electrical sensing |
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2024-08 |
Frontoparietal and salience network synchronizations during nonsymbolic magnitude processing predict brain age and mathematical performance in youth |
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2023-11 |
The visuo-sensorimotor substrate of co-speech gesture processing |
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2023-09 |
Arithmetic problem size modulates brain activations in females but not in males |
article |
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2022-10 |
Uncovering sex/gender differences of arithmetic in the human brain: insights from fMRI studies |
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2022-03 |
Evaluation of math anxiety and its remediation through a digital training program in mathematics for first and second graders |
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2022-02 |
問題導向學習應用於教育神經科學課程之行動研究 |
report |
pdf(25) |
2021-08 |
Motivational system modulates brain responses during exploratory decision-making |
article |
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2021-06 |
Lifespan brain development of quantity representation from childhood into adulthood |
conference |
pdf(339) |
2021-06 |
Problem complexity modulates brain responses of mental arithmetic in females but not in males |
conference |
pdf(276) |
2021-03 |
Operation-specific Lexical Consistency Effect in Fronto-insular-parietal Network during Word Problem Solving |
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2020-12 |
Neural correlates of the processing of self-adaptors, emblems, and iconic gestures with speech: an fMRI study |
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2020-07 |
Solution-processable anionic doped conjugated polymer for nonvolatile organic transistor memory with synaptic behaviors |
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2020-06 |
Problem description modulates brain representation of arithmetic word problem solving |
conference |
pdf(257) |
2019-01 |
Mathematical learning and its difficulties in Taiwan: insights from educational practice |
book/chapter |
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2018-9 |
Abnormal intrinsic cerebro-cerebellar functional connectivity in un-medicated patients with bipolar disorder and major depressive disorder |
article |
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2018-12 |
Fronto-insular-parietal network engagement underlying arithmetic word problem solving |
article |
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2018-02 |
Intrinsic insula network engagement underlying children`s reading and arithmetic skills |
article |
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2017-12 |
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2016-06 |
以心理詞彙資料庫探討英語為外國語學習者英語詞彙辨識之詞長效應 |
article |
web page(734) |
2016-02 |
Heterogeneous and nonlinear development of human posterior parietal cortex function |
article |
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2016-02 |
Heterogeneous and nonlinear functional development of posterior parietal cortex |
article |
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2015-08 |
Development of common neural representation for distinct numerical problems |
article |
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2015-06 |
腦科學導向的教育與學習 |
article |
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2014 |
國小學童數學成就之神經生物標記 |
report |
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