Date Title Type Full Text
2024-08 Positive youth development of Tayal and Han adolescents in Taiwan: A cultural and structural perspective article web page(52)
2024-05 The Global Temperament Project: Parent-reported temperament in infants, toddlers, and children from 59 nations article web page(40)
2024-04 Creation and Validation of a Taiwanese (Han and Indigenous) Version of Positive Youth Development Scale - Very Short Form (PYD-VSF) conference pdf(61)
2024-01 The coronavirus anxiety scale: Cross-national measurement invariance and convergent validity evidence article web page(70)
2023-12 Trust in government moderates the association between fear of COVID-19 as well as empathic concern and preventive behaviour article web page(52)
2023-10 A methodological and cultural investigation on positive development of Indigenous youth conference pdf(183)
2023-10 脆弱家庭兒少的掌控感發展需求:社區兒少據點工作者觀點 conference pdf(40)
2023-09 The associated effects of parent, peer and teacher attachment and self-regulation on prosocial behaviors: A person- and variable-centered investigation article web page(208)
2022-04 “Today, I cared about how a classmate felt”: Fluctuations in empathy are linked to daily mood in adolescence article web page(230)
2022-04 The associated effects between sparks, intentional self-regulation, and positive youth development conference pdf(239)
2022-03 Use of the Five Cs Model of Positive Youth Development on Youth with Majority and Minority (Indigenous) Status conference web page(309)
2022-01 Intraindividual fluctuations in sleep predict subsequent goal setting in adolescents article web page(225)
2021-08 Stressful Experiences, Connection, and Depressive Symptoms among Taiwanese Han and Indigenous Youth article pdf(198)
2021-08 正向少年發展於少年服務中心的應用:理論內涵與實務操作之對應 article pdf(318)
2021-06 探究促進原住民族少年正向發展的互動模式:運用正向少年發展論點 article web page(156)
2021-04 Tayal and Han youth’s experience of stressful life event conference web page(307)
2021-03 Commonalities and specificities of positive youth development in the U.S. and Taiwan article pdf(289)
2021-03 Understanding child executive functioning through use of Bornstein Specificity principle article pdf(346)
2020-12 Exploring idiographic approaches to children`s executive function performance: An intensive longitudinal study article pdf(220)
2020-03 Patterns of exposure to adverse childhood experiences and their associations with mental health: A survey of 1,346 university students in East Asia article pdf(243)
2020-03 The validity of ICD-11 PTSD and complex PTSD in East Asian cultures: Findings with young adults from China, Hong Kong, Japan, and Taiwan article pdf(303)
2020-03 Evaluation of the Five Cs Model of Positive Youth Development across Taiwanese Han and US adolescents conference web page(414)
2020-02 Examining the development of depression among indigenous and non-indigenous youth conference pdf(204)
2019-12 原住民少年的生涯興趣與生涯追尋 article pdf(273)
2019-08 探索民族文化與少年正向發展的關聯性 conference pdf(300)