Publications- All

Showing 1-25 of 108
Date Title Type Full Text
2024-07 Internationalization of higher education institutions: a comparative study in Taiwan and Japan article web page(57)
2024-06 Teacher Training Programs in Taiwan, Japan, and South Korea in Response to Future Educational Trends: Data from the 2018 conference pdf(0)
2024-04 專訪鄭淵全院長:教育反思與前瞻 article web page(89)
2023-10 美國主要教育智庫 book/chapter web page(142)
2023-07 New managerialism, academics' working conditions, teaching input, and research emphasis in the East Asia context book/chapter web page(175)
2023-07 師資生的教育公平觀與偏鄉教學素養:教育社會學的行動 report pdf(3)
2023-06 A Comparative Study of University Exchange Programs: Exploring the Benefits and Challenges of Cross-Continental and Non-Cross-Continental Programs conference pdf(23)
2023-05 以校長校務治理為調節角色探討學校組織氣氛對偏遠地區教師留任意願之影響 article web page(64)
2023-04 Internationalisation Activities: The Influence of Governance and Management Models in Argentina, Canada, Lithuania, Portugal, and Taiwan book/chapter web page(184)
2023-04 教育改革 book/chapter web page(217)
2023-04 師資生vs.偏鄉教育:從教學實踐研究計畫得到的反思 article web page(196)
2023-03 The Swing of the Pendulum Between Colonialism and Post Colonialism in Taiwan Higher Education conference web page(124)
2023-01 Global citizenship and educational governance [開幕演講] conference web page(221)
2022-12 Importance and performance of SDGs perception among college students in Taiwan article web page(203)
2022-12 公私協力之教育治理模式與決策:問題與挑戰 book/chapter
2022-10 Does institutional performance matter under competition-based funding for higher education in East Asia? A comparative study in Korea and Taiwan article web page(223)
2022-07 讓學生成為彼此的力量:同儕學習融入「各國教育行政研究」課程之成效評估 report pdf(32)
2022-06 Reflections on the role of indigenous principals of Taiwan: The pendulum of ancestral souls and modern standards article pdf(160)
2022-05 新管理主義下的公辦民營學校治理:美、英實施經驗 article web page(197)
2022-04 Funding Policy Reforms in Korea and Taiwan: Rhetoric or Reality? conference pdf(19)
2022-03 臺灣實驗教育政策的實施與討論度分析──文字探勘之應用 article web page(227)
2022-03 Relationships among Research Expectation, External Activities, and Social Service Contribution in Taiwan conference pdf(11)
2021-12 Practice and reflection of principals’ transformative curriculum leadership in a Taiwan KIST school article web page(244)
2021-12 我國實驗教育實徵研究之分析與展望 article web page(151)
2021-12 幕前學校下的教育改變與因應 [主題演講] conference pdf(63)