Publications- All

Showing 1-25 of 36
Date Title Type Full Text
2023-02 Topological screen identifies hundreds of Cp190 and CTCF dependent Drosophila chromatin insulator elements article web page(201)
2022-12 Pattern recognition of topologically associating domains using deep learning article web page(54)
2022-02 HiCmapTools: a tool to access HiC contact maps article web page(282)
2021-10 Circulating Exosomal miRNAs as Biomarkers in Epithelial Ovarian Cancer article web page(181)
2019-12 MS2CNN: Predicting MS/MS spectrum based on protein sequence using deep convolutional neural networks article pdf(204)
2019-11 The CAFA challenge reports improved protein function prediction and new functional annotations for hundreds of genes through experimental screens article pdf(214)
2019-11 PSLCNN: Protein Subcellular Localization Prediction for Eukaryotes and Prokaryotes Using Deep Learning conference pdf(214)
2019-07 Identification of alternative splicing characteristic associated with clear-cell ovarian cancer from paired normal and tumor tissues conference pdf(180)
2019-02 Incorporating alignment uncertainty into Felsenstein’s phylogenetic bootstrap to improve its reliability article pdf(203)
2018-07 Polycomb-Dependent Chromatin Looping Contributes to Gene Silencing during Drosophila Development article pdf(470)
2018-03 NMDA Receptor Modulator Rescues Psychiatric Phenotypes in Mouse Model of Maternal Immune Activation conference web page(186)web page(170)
2018-02 TADs are 3D structural units of higher-order chromosome organization in Drosophila article pdf(538)
2018 台灣上市櫃公司房地產價值對借款與投資決策之影響 thesis web page(480)
2017-11 Single-cell absolute contact probability detection reveals chromosomes are organized by multiple low-frequency yet specific interactions article pdf(305)
2017-05-13 應用決策樹於罹患慢性肝病預測之研究 conference web page(602)
2017-05 Influence of alignment uncertainty on homology modeling conference web page(917)
2016-04 PSI/TM-Coffee: a web server for fast and accurate multiple sequence alignments of regular and transmembrane proteins using homology extension on reduced databases article pdf(589)
2016 以精實創業探討新創事業平台化之歷程-以iCHEF為例 thesis pdf(997)
2016 中信兄弟隊粉絲經營與球隊管理之策略分析 thesis pdf(3047)
2015-11 Multiple sequence alignment modeling: methods and applications article web page(1196)
2015-10 Expression divergence of chemosensory genes between Drosophila sechellia and its sibling species and its implications for host shift article pdf(509)
2015-07 TCS: a web server for multiple sequence alignment evaluation and phylogenetic reconstruction article pdf(879)
2014-10 Alignathon: A competitive assessment of whole genome alignment methods article pdf(611)
2014-06 TCS: A New Multiple Sequence Alignment Reliability Measure to Estimate Alignment Accuracy and Improve Phylogenetic Tree Reconstruction article pdf(544)
2013-11 T-Coffee: tree-based consistency objective function for alignment evaluation book/chapter web page(1280)