2025-01 |
Managing medical knowledge flow: Physicians’ social media actualisation practices |
article |
說明頁(26) |
2024-01 |
Building digital resilience against crises: the case of Taiwan's COVID-19 pandemic management |
article |
說明頁(220) |
2024 |
我國產業新尖兵計畫成效之探討 |
thesis |
pdf(0) |
2021-06 |
Managing information sharing : Interorganizational communication in collaborations with competitors |
article |
pdf(252) |
2020-03 |
What Lies Beneath: Unravelling the Generative Mechanisms of Smart Technology and Service Design |
article |
pdf(271) |
2019-08 |
類粉絲效應: 網路負面口碑的抑制與弱化 |
article |
說明頁(322) |
2019-03 |
A longitudinal study of leader influence in sustaining an online community |
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pdf(337) |
2018-08 |
醫療財團法人的租稅優惠與社區公益服務 |
article |
pdf(319) |
2018-03 |
Email adaptation for conflict handling: A case study of cross-border inter-organisational partnership in East Asia |
article |
pdf(235) |
2017-12 |
Understanding customers’ opinions from online discussion forums: A design science framework |
article |
說明頁(302) |
2015-03 |
嚴慄的夥伴:虛擬溝通中被隱藏的衝突 |
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pdf(227) |
2011-09 |
You got eMail! The cases of inter-organizational collaboration for engineering product design |
article |
說明頁(417) |
2011 |
醫療財團法人的租稅利益與社區公益活動 |
thesis |
pdf(423) |
2010-04 |
Business strategic conflict in computer-mediated communication |
article |
pdf(304) |
1988 |
縣轄市地方財政之研究 : 板橋市實例分析 |
thesis |
說明頁(438) |
1988 |
縣轄市地方財政之研究 : 板橋市實例分析 |
thesis |