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dc.description.abstract  本研究旨在探討心理動力取向為主的心理治療工作者,領會移情與反移情的學習歷程,欲瞭解治療者從理論到實務致身領會的歷程,以及面臨的困境內涵,並在整合理論與實務的體會後,對個人自身與治療工作的意義與影響。研究者針對四位心理動力取向治療者,透過一對一的半結構式訪談,獲得質性資料以進行分析,並建構出歸納式結論,依此作研究結果描述如下:\n\n一、心理動力取向治療者從理論到實務致身領會歷程中的困境內涵\n  心理動力取向治療者容易面臨到的困境主要為兩個層面,分別為:理論的學習與實務的應用。由於理論知識的抽象性,加上主體經驗不足,治療者容易感到模糊而不易掌握理論內涵;在實務工作中,治療者對反移情的瞭解不足,容易與個案移情相互影響,並對自我能力的信心產生動搖。\n\n二、心理動力取向治療者從理論到實務致身領會移情與反移情內涵的歷程\n  領會的歷程可分為三個部份。首先,透過督導的涵容與提點,減緩治療者反移情的負面影響,穩固自我認同,並逐漸覺知自身的反移情。再者,藉由被治療的正向經驗,發展出內在動力的認識與深度接納,對移情與反移情的本質會有更深入的掌握。最後,透過治療者對生命經驗的內化省思,使得理論到實務的連結產生個人性的意義與理解。\n三、心理動力取向治療者整合歷程後的體會,對個人與治療工作的意義與影響\n\n  治療者於實務工作中成功驗證理論內涵,並對個人議題覺察的深化,成熟掌握反移情後,不再輕易被自我懷疑與焦慮所困擾,並發展出對自我與專業的認同。最後伴隨而來的影響,包含:區辨移情與反移情能力提升、涵容與後設思考的空間擴大、發展出對人性謙卑而深刻的思考態度與工作方式、穩固治療信念、以及將動力觀點融入人際與生活等層面。\n\n關鍵字:心理動力取向、移情、反移情、學習歷程zh_TW
dc.description.abstract  This study uses semi-structured interviews to collect data separately from four psychodynamic therapists. In order to discover the learning process of transference and counter-transference and to understand the transition process of every therapist’s perception from theory to practice, this study reviewed the obstacles therapist might have faced, and the influence on his/herself as well as being a therapist when they’ve acquired the integration of both theory and practice. The main findings of this study were as follows:\n\n1.The understanding of the obstacles during psychodynamic therapists’ perception from theory to practice.\n  Two main obstacles one psychodynamic therapist might face were the theoretical learning and the practical application. As to the former, both the abstractiveness of theory and lacking of experience creates the difficulty to manage. As to the latter, the shortage of knowledge regarding counter-transference might result in intense tension and anxiety between the patience, and hence the therapist might undergo underconfidence and self-doubt.\n\n2.The understanding of transference and counter-transference during the  psychodynamic therapists’ transition process from theory into practice.\n  Firstly, the negative impact resulted from counter-transference might be mitigated by the contain and suggestion of supervisors; therefore, the therapists might be self- conscious and aware of self-identity. Secondly, with the above positive experience, the knowledge of inner dynamic, and deeper acceptance, therapists might be able to better manage counter-transference. Finally, the process would lead to the connection with personal understanding brought by the transition from theory into practice.\n\n3.The reflection and the influence of psychodynamic therapists when having acquiring the integration of both theory and practice.\n  When therapists undergone the abovementioned stages, they will no longer be troubled by self-doubt and anxiety, and identify with self-affirmation. The influence of which includes the better ability to distinguish transference and counter-transference, broaden thinking regarding contain and metacognition, developing humbleness to humanity and a profound attitude, a firm faith of therapy, and to incorporate psychodynamic into relationships and daily life.\n\nKey word: psychodynamic approaches, transference, counter-transference, learning processen_US
dc.description.tableofcontents第一章 緒論 01\n   第一節 研究動機 01\n   第二節 研究目的 08\n   第三節 研究問題 08\n   第四節 名詞釋義 09\n第二章 文獻探討 10\n   第一節 移情 10\n   第二節 反移情 24\n   第三節 理論轉化實務的歷程 42\n第三章 研究方法 52\n   第一節 研究取向 52\n   第二節 研究參與者 54\n   第三節 研究工具 59\n   第四節 研究歷程 61\n   第五節 資料處理與分析 64\n   第六節 資料嚴謹性 70\n   第七節 研究倫理 74\n第四章 研究結果 76\n   第一節 學習歷程中面臨的困境 76\n   第二節 內化個人經驗以領會理論 88\n   第三節 整合內化經驗與實務工作 109\n第五章 討論 127\n   第一節 心理動力取向治療者從理論到實務學習歷程中面臨的困境 127\n   第二節 心理動力取向治療者從理論到實務的學習歷程 131\n   第三節 學習歷程對心理動力取向治療者的意義與影響 138\n   第四節 綜合討論 143\n第六章 研究結論、建議與省思 145\n   第一節 研究結論 145\n   第二節 研究限制 147\n   第三節 研究建議 149\n   第四節 研究省思 152\n\n參考文獻 154\n\n附錄 165\n附錄一 半結構式訪談大綱 165\n附錄二 研究邀請函 166\n附錄三 研究參與者基本資料表與同意書 167\n附錄四 研究參與者檢核回饋表 168zh_TW
dc.format.extent2225024 bytes-
dc.subjectPsychodynamic approachesen_US
dc.subjectLearning processen_US
dc.titleThe learning process of psychodynamic therapists understanding transference and counter-transferenceen_US
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