
Showing 76-100 of 121
Date Title Type Full Text Scopus WOS Altmetric
2020-12 97期序言 article pdf(169)
2021-06 98期序言 article pdf(195)
2023-12 Moodle數位學習平臺之討論即時分析機制與合作問題導向學習平臺之小組激勵機制促進遠距教學學習成效 article pdf(76)
2018-11 Development and Evaluation of an Automatic Text Annotation System for Supporting Digital Humanities Research article pdf(282)pdf(219)post-print version
2020-03 羅家倫先生文存數位人文研究平台之建置與應用 article pdf(250)
2022-08 Development and Application of a Digital Humanities Research Platform for Biographies of Malaysian Personalities article 說明頁(197)
2021-04 Developing a Topic Analysis Instant Feedback System to Facilitate Asynchronous Online Discussion Effectiveness article pdf(184)
2010-05 Developing a Taiwan Library History Digital Library with Reader Knowledge Archiving and Sharing Mechanisms Based on the DSpace Platform article pdf(1653)
2023-05 Developing an Instant Semantic Analysis and Feedback System to Facilitate Learning Performance of Online Discussion article pdf(179)
2020-01 Developing a Computer-Mediated Communication Competence Forecasting Model Based on Learning Behavior Features article pdf(257)
2023-10 Developing a Collaborative Writing System with Visualization Interaction Network Analysis to Facilitate Online Learning Performance article 說明頁(231)
2011-12 Cost-effectiveness and effectiveness of applying intelligent osteoporosis health risk assessment system in community-dwelling women: a novel evidence-based study article pdf(746)
2019-07 Community Detection with Opinion Leaders’ Identification for Promoting Collaborative Problem-based Learning Performance article pdf(490)pdf(217)post-print version
2019.09 A Web-based Collaborative Reading Annotation System with Gamification Mechanisms to Improve Reading Performance 期刊論文 pdf(156)說明頁(699)
2019 A visual interactive reading system based on eye tracking technology to improve digital reading performance article pdf(364)post-print version
2009-03 Automatic Extraction of New Words based on Google News Corpora for Supporting Lexicon-based Chinese Word Segmentation Systems, article pdf(1439)
2012-12 Assessing the Effects of Different Multimedia Materials on Emotions and Learning Performance for Visual and Verbal Style Learners article pdf(1694)
2017-03 Assessing the Attention Levels of Students by using a Novel Attention Aware System based on Brainwave Signals article pdf(1200)pdf(353)post-print version
2014.06 Assessing Effects of Information Architecture of Digital Libraries on Supporting E-learning: A Case Study on the Digital Library of Nature & Culture article pdf(1678)
2017-03 Applications of Collaborative Annotation System in Digital Curation, Crowdsourcing, and Digital Humanities article pdf(205)post-print version
2019-03 An Optimized Group Formation Scheme to Promote Collaborative Problem-based Learning article pdf(181)post-print version說明頁(654)
2021.02 An Interactive Test Dashboard with Diagnosis and Feedback Mechanisms to Facilitate Learning Performance article pdf(271)
2006-12 An Intelligent Web-Page Classifier with Fair Feature-Subset Selection article pdf(1716)
2008-10 基於自動查詢語句擴展之主題地圖智慧型新聞搜尋引擎 article pdf(1304)
2010-09 An Intelligent Mobile Location-Aware Book Recommendation System with Map-Based Guidance That Enhances Problem-Based Learning in Libraries article pdf(1422)