
Showing 1-25 of 45
Date Title Type Full Text Scopus WOS▼
2005 Personalized E-Learning System Using Item Response Theory article pdf(168) 410 289
2008-09 Personalized Mobile English Vocabulary Learning System Based on Item Response Theory and Learning Memory Cycle, article pdf(1373) 304 227
2015-01 Effects of Different Video Lecture Types on Sustained Attention, Emotion, Cognitive Load, and Learning Performance article pdf(1535) 309 219
2008-09 Intelligent Web-based Learning System with Personalized Learning Path Guidance article pdf(2533) 304 217
2012-09 Interactive augmented reality system for enhancing library instruction in elementary schools article pdf(822) 216 147
2010-12 Personalized Context-Aware Ubiquitous Learning System for Supporting Effective English Vocabulary Learning article 說明頁(1678) 205 146
2009-07 Personalized E-learning system with self-regulated learning assisted mechanisms for promoting learning performance article pdf(1167) 8 86
2012-12 Assessing the Effects of Different Multimedia Materials on Emotions and Learning Performance for Visual and Verbal Style Learners article pdf(1677) 96 72
2013-10 Web-Based Reading Annotation System with an Attention-Based Self-Regulated Learning Mechanism for Promoting Reading Performance article pdf(1317) 115 67
2017-03 Assessing the Attention Levels of Students by using a Novel Attention Aware System based on Brainwave Signals article pdf(1191)pdf(298)post-print version 14 62
2014.08 Enhancing Digital Reading Performance with a Collaborative Reading Annotation System article pdf(1505) 95 59
2009-01 Mobile Formative Assessment Tool Based on Data Mining Techniques for Supporting Web-based Learning, article pdf(1285) 85 53
2011-07 Using emotion recognition technology to assess the effects of different multimedia materials on learning emotion and performance article pdf(1314) 73 46
2014 Effects of different text display types on reading comprehension, sustained attention and cognitive load in mobile reading contexts article 說明頁(1158) 62 41
2009-12 Ontology-based Concept Map for Planning a Personalized Learning Path article pdf(1308) 66 36
2011-05 Emotion Recognition and Communication for Reducing Second-language Speaking Anxiety in a Web-based One-to-One Synchronous Learning Environment article pdf(1305) 1 33
2011-05 An Intelligent Mobile Location-aware Book Recommendation System that Enhances Problem-based Learning in Libraries article 說明頁(1794) 48 30
2016-08 Investigating the Effects of Structured and Guided Inquiry on Students’ Development of Conceptual Knowledge and Inquiry Abilities: A Case Study in Taiwan article pdf(539) 36 28
2019.09 A Web-based Collaborative Reading Annotation System with Gamification Mechanisms to Improve Reading Performance 期刊論文 pdf(156)說明頁(670) 63 27
2014-02 Mining Learning Social Networks for Cooperative Learning with Appropriate Learning Partners in a Problem-based Learning Environment article 說明頁(1805) 33 25
2017-01 Effects of online synchronous instruction with an attention monitoring and alarm mechanism on sustained attention and learning performance article pdf(275)post-print version說明頁(491) 40 24
2013.06 Facilitating English Language Learners` Oral Reading Fluency with Digital Pen Technology article 說明頁(1814) 31 22
2015-09 Enhancement of digital reading performance by using a novel web-based collaborative reading annotation system with two quality annotation filtering mechanisms article pdf(664) 23 21
2014.06 Assessing Effects of Information Architecture of Digital Libraries on Supporting E-learning: A Case Study on the Digital Library of Nature & Culture article pdf(1662) 23 18
2010-01 Problem-based Learning Supported by Digital Archives-Case Study of Taiwan Libraries` History Digital Library article pdf(1704) 22 17