
Showing 1-25 of 31
Date Title Type Full Text Scopus WOS Altmetric
2023-06 政府基於協力網絡的平台型新興傳染疾病生態系統模式—以COVID-19為例 article 說明頁(149)
2016-07 Proof by model: a new knowledge-based reachability analysis methodology for Petri net article pdf(446)
2016-04 Do competitive strategy effects vary across hotel industry cycles? article pdf(455)
2015-04 Does uncertain demand affect service quality? article pdf(684)
2013-10 Assessment of Knowledge Management Research in The Cross-Strait Region Using A Bibliometric Methodology article 說明頁(1006)
2012-10 臺灣地區出監毒癮者接受美沙酮替代療法18個月之再犯率追蹤 article pdf(1055)
2012-02 An Empirical Study of Research Trends and Forecasts: Customer Relationship Management Literature Review article pdf(1004)
2011-05 企業高階主管決策支援之研究:競爭智慧觀點 article pdf(867)
2011-01 Trend analysis of supply chain management by bibliometric methodology article 說明頁(811)
2010-05 Skill Requirement of it Professionals in an Outsourced Environment article pdf(965)
2010-04 A historical review and trend analysis of ubiquitous computing research using bibliometric methodology during 1993 to 2009 article pdf(1005)
2010-02 A Trend Analysis of Information Management Research by Bibliometric Methodology, 1957 - 2008 article pdf(956)
2009-12 醫療影像儲傳系統(PACS)相關資源對PACS運作及放射部門效能之研究 article pdf(753)
2009-06 國家考試線上閱卷實施的影響因素之研究 article 說明頁(693)
2008-05 邁向電子化政府的資訊組織變革與再造 article pdf(701)
2007-08 TeamSpirit: Design, implementation, and evaluation of a Web-based group decision support system article pdf(1130)
2007-03 臺灣中小企業跨組織資訊系統採用困難的探討:概念性分析 article pdf(938)
2006-07-01 影響資訊安全關鍵因素之研究 article pdf(4141)
2006 An empirical study of information security policy on information security elevation in Taiwan article pdf(1003)
2005-09 資訊安全管理理論與實務之探討 article
2005-06-01 Virtual Team Performance of Web-Mediated Communication Systems article pdf(2120)
2005-04 A Structural Approach to Measuring Uncertainty in Supply Chains article pdf(908)
2005-02 資訊安全多準則評估之研究--捷運等相關個案 article pdf(1324)
2004-10 供應鏈不確定因素衡量工具之發展 article
2004-09-01 組織資訊安全管理策略之探討 article pdf(1319)