All Of Publications(Limit:College of Liberal Arts、Theses、1990-1999)

Showing 126-150 of 459
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
1998 太平廣記禽鳥類故事研究 盧俐文 thesis web page(398)
1998 吳濁流的詩論與詩歌 潘進福 thesis web page(354)
1998 A Study of the Late Ming Shih-shuo Form 官廷森、Kuan, T`ing-sen thesis web page(282)
1998 「江湖十二腳色」之探索 古嘉齡 thesis web page(282)
1998 楊牧散文研究 張家豪、Chang, Chia-hao thesis web page(345)
1998 從身體觀論虛靜工夫的哲學義涵---以先秦氣化思想為核心 黃崇修 thesis web page(522)
1998 Play and Dialogue: Gadamer`s Concept of Play and its Application to Dialogue 鄧元尉、Teng, Yuan-Wei thesis web page(598)
1998 Marx on \"State\" and \"State Autonomy\": An Integration of the Doctrines of \"Parasite State\" and \"Instrumentalist State\" 陳榮彬、Chen, Jung-bin thesis web page(453)
1999 國中美術教師對美術館教師研習活動需求之研究—以台北縣市地區為例 顧啟賢、Ku, Chi-Hsien thesis web page(467)
1999 A Study on the Applications of EAD in Chinese Archives 賴麗雯、Lai, Li-Wen thesis web page(502)
1999 李大釗馬克思主義史學研究 林秋志 thesis web page(411)
1998 Constructing a knowledge management environment in digital libraries 馮國卿、Feng, Kuo-Ching thesis web page(541)
1998 The Study of Integrated Chinese Classification and Subject Headings: a Case Study of Education 何世文、Ho, Shih-Wen thesis web page(778)
1998 A Study on the Management of Corporate Libraries (Information Center) for Integrated Circuit Corporate in Taiwan 楊舒萍、Yang, Su-Ping thesis web page(548)
1998 The survey research of reserve service in college and university libraries in Taiwan 黃超蘭、Huang, Chao-Lan thesis web page(686)
1997 The organizations and functions of the National Archives of the Republic of China 唐建清、Tang, Cheng-Ching thesis web page(539)
1997 The organizational structure of the art museums of the republic of China 林育綺、Lin, Yu-Chi thesis web page(525)
1998 清季東北移民實邊政策之研究 SHIH-HSUAN LIN thesis web page(371)
1998 The Study of the Shed People in Ching Dynasty 黃怡瑗、Huang, Yi-Yuan thesis web page(454)
1998 Mongolia`s Nomadic Economy in the Manchu Period 孔拉普、Ercilasun, Konuralp thesis web page(372)
1998 晚清漕運變革之研究 陳一銘 thesis web page(285)
1998 葉榮鐘與台灣民族運動(1900-1947) 戴振豐、Tai, Chen-Feng thesis web page(395)
1999 臺灣區生產事業管理委原會與經濟發展策略(1949-1953)--以公營事業為中心的探討 陳思宇、Chen, Szu-Yu thesis web page(345)
1998 The Maritime Defense of Taiwan in Qing Dynasty 許毓良 thesis web page(364)
1998 A Study of the Philippine Chinese General Chamber of Commerce, 1904-54 禹如鍵 thesis web page(330)