All Of Publications(Limit:College of Liberal Arts、Theses、1990-1999)

Showing 226-250 of 459
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
1996 The Research of Wenyan Juan 許曉雯、Sheu, Sheau-wen thesis web page(301)
1996 To Study and Research for \"Five-Transpotation and Six-Atmosphere\" of \"Huangti-Naegean\". 裘正、Chao, Chen thesis web page(549)
1996 Hermeneutic and Reflection KUO-HSIEN CHANG、KUO-HSIEN CHANG thesis web page(429)
1996 Deleuze`s Philosophy of Difference 楊李榮、Young, Lee Young thesis web page(422)
1996 An Investigation of Rawls"s Theory of Social Unity 王冠生、Wang, Guann-Sheng thesis web page(339)
1996 Adorno`s Philosophy of Music 張紹乾、Chang, Shao-chi`en thesis web page(411)
1996 A Study of Mere-Consciousness in the Ch`eng-Wei-Shih-Lun 齊明非、Chi, David thesis web page(677)
1996 論斯賓諾莎形上學體系內的「一多問題」 歐陽方、Ou-Yang, Fang thesis web page(347)
1996 Chi-Luan Chang`s editorial after the Manchurian Event: A study on intellectuals` discussion on polictics during 1931-1941 鄭靜敏、CHENG, CHING-MIN thesis web page(460)
1996 A Study of the Relations between the San-min Chu-i Youth Corps and the Kuomintang, 1938-1949 王良卿、Wang, Liang-ching thesis web page(936)
1996 A Study of the Management of north-south Bound Railway in Taiwan-Focus on the Deadstock 張慶隆、Chang, Ching-Lung thesis web page(465)
1995 「笠詩社」詩作集團性之研究 戴寶珠、Dai, Bao-Zhu thesis web page(323)
1995 Kuo Hsiang`s theory of human nature, philosophy of life and political thought 鍾芳姿、Chung, Fang-Tzy thesis web page(403)
1995 A Disscussion on How \"Confucian Hierarchy Derived from Naturalness\" Impossible: Wang Bi`s Annotation on Lao-tze as a Text 林新建、Lin, Shin-Cheng thesis web page(746)
1995 Merleau-Ponty: Intersubjective Significance of the Body-subject 劉亞蘭、Liu, Ya Lan thesis web page(429)
1995 The Soviet Russia`s China Policy and the early development of Chinese Communist Party, 1917-1923 徐相文、Suh, Sang-Mun thesis web page(509)
1995 Mary Wollstonecraft`s Mind of Both Genders - Masculine and Feminine HUI-CHI HSU、Hsu, Hui-Chi thesis web page(505)
1994 On the Coordinative Construction of Mandarin Lexicon before Chin Dynasty 章明德、Chang, Ming Te thesis web page(381)
1994 Crimes and Law in \"San Yan\" Koan Story 霍建國、Huoh, Jiann-Gwo thesis web page(880)
1994 A study on Zhang,Ke-Jiu`s San-Qu 崔鳳燮、Choi, Bong Seob thesis web page(392)
1994 A Study on Chang - Chan`s Theories of Emptiness from the Book of 《Lieh Tzu Chu》 吳慕雅、Wu, Mu Ya thesis web page(298)
1994 The position of P`i Jih-Hsiu in the literature of late Tang Dy- nasty 王怡心、Wang, Yi Hsin thesis web page(328)
1994 西周金文韻讀 王書輝、Wang, Shu Huei thesis web page(289)
1994 The study of Chu-Ko Liang`s legends 張清文、Chang, Ching Wen thesis web page(314)
1994 The Research On Wang, Fu-zhi`s Jiang-Zhai Ci 陳民珠、Chen, Min Chu thesis web page(237)