All Of Publications(Limit:College of Science、Theses、1990-1999)

Showing 1-25 of 216
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
1998 The Statistical Analysis of GAs-Based Trading Strategies under Dynamic Landscape 棗厥庸、Tsao, Chueh-Yung thesis web page(652)
1998 Genetic Models and Its Application in Exchange Rates Analysis and Forecasting 許毓云、Hsu, Yi-Yun thesis web page(547)
1998 On the Numerical Construction of a Jacobi Matrix 張天財、Chang, Tian-Tsair thesis web page(396)
1997 Bar visibility number of oriented graph 曾煥絢、Tseng, Huan-Hsuan thesis web page(492)
1998 The Effects of Adolescent Temperament and Parenting on Parent-Child Relationships 賴嘉凰、Lai, Chia-Huang thesis web page(336)
1998 同儕評量與自評之差異、相對親疏關係決策控制力及內外控對團體成員公平知覺的影響 徐瑋伶、Hsu, Wei-Ling thesis web page(353)
1996 ATTENTION DEFICIT OF SCHIZOPHRENIAS 杜玉禎、Tu, Yu-Chen thesis web page(343)
1996 The influence of situational anxiety and self-esteem on self- deception 楊順興、Yang, Shun-Hsing thesis web page(337)
1995 Cognition of selling volume comparison, coping strategies and job involvement. 游紫華、Yu, Tza-Hua thesis web page(347)
1995 Money Attitude of Adolescent: Discussing from ERG Theory 黃蘭雯、Huang, Lan-Wen thesis web page(302)
1996 The factors which influence senior high school students to seek school counselor`s help for their psychological disturbances 吳志祥、Wu, Chih-Hsiang thesis web page(265)
1997 The self-evaluation and emotional disturbance of college entrance examination retakers in Taiwan 林正山、Lin, Jeng-Shan thesis web page(280)
1996 Psychological separation of adolescences 呂麗雪、Lue, Li-Shear thesis web page(353)
1997 The relationship between human values and delinquency 呂嘉寧、Lu, Chia-Ning thesis web page(367)
1996 Effects of work situation, ability, and different motivation strategies on task performance: A study of social compensation phenomenon 黃國倫、Huang, Kuo-Lun thesis web page(341)
1997 Low-learning students from the prospective of resilience 胡淑惠、Hue, Shih-Hwe thesis web page(312)
1997 The influence of self-focused attention, positive / negative affect and self-discrepancy in depressive college student`s social behavior 李慧潔、Lee, Huei-Chei thesis web page(249)
1997 干擾字的字形與字音對於字圖干擾作業中語意效果的影響 黃啟鑫、Huang, Chicco thesis web page(255)
1997 視覺刺激於登錄階段的視覺處理與語文處理之差異--資料與概念趨勢訊息於登錄階段的語文遮蔽效果 鄧文章、Deng, Wen-Chang thesis web page(236)
1997 The Effect of Impending Stimulus on Allocation of Attention 李宏偉、Lee, Hung-Wei thesis web page(435)
1998 The study of managerial assessment by peer nomination in the group exercise 李俊明、Lee, Chun-Ming thesis web page(311)
1998 Psychological separation, attachment, and career indecision in college students. 江捷如、Jiang, Jye-Ru thesis web page(268)
1998 Learning counseling strategies in learning English--for academy school students woth troubles in learning English 汪敏慧、Wang, Min-Hui thesis web page(348)
1997 The role of group factors in the animal behavior 孫旻暐、Suen, Mein-Woei thesis web page(317)
1997 The effects of glutamate on psychostimulant induced conditioned place preference 張雅惠、Chang, Yea-Heuy thesis web page(536)