The Study of Operation Management of Yangmingshan National Park |
thesis |
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2004 |
從績效管理觀點探討警察機關偵查犯罪績效評鑑制度——以台北市政府警察局為例 |
薛文容 |
thesis |
web page(338) |
2004 |
公務機關人事人員核心能力之研究-以行政院農業委員會暨所屬機關為例 |
陳淑惠 |
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web page(469) |
2004 |
基隆市警察機關推動警察志工志願服務績效評價之研究 |
王壽財 |
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web page(288) |
2004 |
機關安全警衛人員工作壓力 工作滿足與離職傾向之研究 -以中央政府機關為例- |
thesis |
web page(278) |
2004 |
國道公路警察人員工作壓力與工作滿足關係之研究 |
程文宏 |
thesis |
web page(329) |
2007 |
The Relationship between Job Stress,Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intention : A Case Study of Examination Yuan and Affiliated Authorities |
吳福輝 |
thesis |
web page(333) |
警察工作壓力與家庭生活關係之探討—以基隆市警察局為例 |
thesis |
web page(356) |
2004 |
從數位落差探討後備司令部資訊網路服務之研究 |
鄒文凱 |
thesis |
web page(339) |
2005 |
The Effects of Employees’BMI and Physical Attractiveness on Positions |
鍾越漪、Chung, Yueh-Yi |
thesis |
web page(364) |
2005 |
A Study on the Construction of R.O.C. Navy Discipline Indicator |
孫常德 |
thesis |
web page(215) |
Public Security Demand and Satisfaction of Adolescent Students’Parents:A Study of Public Junior High Schools in San-Chong City﹐Taipei county |
thesis |
web page(286) |
2006 |
The Compared Research to Cross-Strait Government Procurement Dispute Types and Administrative Relief Institution during Tendering Stage |
胡主均、Hu,Chu Chun |
thesis |
web page(438) |
2005 |
Research on Vertical and Horizontal Division of Labor Across the Strait of Childrenwear and Baby Garment Industry Case Study: les enphants |
林光儀、Lin,Kuang-I |
thesis |
web page(398) |
2005 |
廠商海外生產對台灣就業之影響-以資訊電子產業為例 |
黃琮祺 |
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web page(459) |
2008 |
我國反恐怖行動機制之研究 |
馬士林 |
thesis |
web page(333) |
2005 |
受雇者身材與其薪資關係之實證研究 |
蔡培豪、蔡培豪、Tsai,Pei-Hao、Tsai,Pei-Hao |
thesis |
web page(394) |
2005 |
志願役與義務役士官兵對新兵役制度看法之研究~以國軍北部地面部隊為例 |
劉宏武 |
thesis |
web page(369) |
The Research of Sightseeing Development and Residents Ideology:A Case Sstudy of Yilan County |
thesis |
web page(435) |
The study on Army officer`s job characteristics, Stress, satisfaction, and leisure time. |
thesis |
web page(489) |
2005 |
A Study for Congressional Liaison Mechanism of the Council for Cultural Affairs |
HUI-MEI LIU、Liu,Huei-Mei |
thesis |
web page(513) |
2005 |
中國三資企業增值稅率對地方吸引外資之影響 |
李世聰 |
thesis |
web page(519) |
2005 |
Exploration of the Conscription System Between Two Adversaries on the Opposite Coasts of Taiwan Strait-A Comparative Analysis of the Structure of Armed Forces |
洪麗職、Hung,Li Chih |
thesis |
web page(386) |
2005 |
A Study of the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program in Taiwan |
鄭美琴 |
thesis |
web page(337) |
2006 |
Generational Support and Elderly Living Arrangement |
施妮婷 |
thesis |
web page(470) |