All Of Publications(Limit:College of Communication、Periodical Articles、2010-2019)

Showing 326-350 of 640
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2013-08 Identification matters: A moderated mediation model of media interactivity, character identification, and video game violence on aggression 林日璇、Lin, Jih-Hsuan article 說明頁(863)
2012 Need satisfaction supportive game features as motivational determinants: An experimental study of a self-determination theory guided exergame. 林日璇、Peng, Wei、Lin, Jih-Hsuan、Winn, B.、Pfeiffer, K. article 說明頁(991)
2015-05 Physical activity and food consumption: The moderating role of individual dieting tendency Chang, CC、Lin, YC、林穎青 article 說明頁(894)
2015 Language Choice in Advertising for Multinational Corporations and Local Firms: A Reinquiry Focusing on Monolinguals Lin, Ying-Ching、Wang, Kai-Yu、林穎青 article pdf(700)
2015 Before–after appeals: a dual-route effect model Chang, Chingching張卿卿 article 說明頁(1982)
2015-10 Motivated Processing: How People Perceive News Covering Novel or Contradictory Health Research Findings Chang, Ching ching、張卿卿 article pdf(721)
2012 Self-construal and regulatory focus influences on persuasion: The moderating role of perceived risk 林穎青、Lin, Ying-Ching、Chang, Chiu-chi Angela、Lin, Yu-Fang article 說明頁(812)
2015 Endorsements move students to choose candidate Wei, Ran1 wei、Lo, Ven-hwei、Chang, Chingching張卿卿 article 說明頁(823)
2011-07 Emotion Regulation and Uncertainty Reduction of Middle School Online Gamers HUANG, Vivian W.、黃葳威 article pdf(607)
2015 Perceived Issue Importance, Information Processing, and Third-Person Effect of News about the Imported U.S. Beef Controversy Lo, Ven-hwei、Wei, Ran、Lu, Hung-Yi、Hou, Hsin-Ya、侯心雅 article 說明頁(722)
2014.06 社交媒體vs. 線上遊戲:台灣成人網路使用、媒介慣習與人際互動 林日璇、Lin, Jih-Hsuan article pdf(593)
2013-06 靈光不死--義大利仿冒現況之人類學反思 林怡潔、左德翼、趙璇 article pdf(732)
2015 A pilot randomized, controlled trial of an active video game physical activity intervention 林日璇、Peng, W.、Pfeiffer, K.、Winn, B.、 Lin, Jih-Hsuan 、Suton, D. article 說明頁(960)
2016-01 探索線上公眾即時參與網絡化社運—以台灣318運動為例 鄭宇君、陳百齡 article pdf(917)
2016-01 Need for Relatedness: A self-determination approach to examining attachment styles, Facebook use, and psychological well-being 林日璇、Lin, Jih-Hsuan article pdf(1053)
2016-01 網上行走:Facebook使用者之打卡戰術與地標實踐 吳筱玫 article pdf(497)
2016-04 媒體科技與現代性 - 回溯三零年代臺灣的廣播經驗與都會生活 王淑美、Wang, Su-Mei article pdf(1303)
2014-12 福島危機中台灣民眾對核能的風險感知與態度: 政黨傾向、核能知識、信任與科學傳播的角色 陳憶寧Chen, Katherine Yi-Ning article pdf(444)
2016-04 臉書使用者的社會資本及政治參與 陳憶寧Chen, Katherine Yi-Ning article pdf(2174)
2014-12 From Rice Bombs to Wedding Gifts: The Cultural Changes of Rice Heritage in Taiwan 林怡潔 book/chapter 說明頁(722)
2014 A comparative study of the relationship between mobile phone use and social capital among college students in Shanghai and Taipei 陳憶寧Chen, Katherine Yi-Ning、Lo, V. H.、Wei, R.、Xu, X. G.、Zhang, G. L. article pdf(478)
2015-11 許一個跨媒體新聞敘事研究的未來 江靜之、Chiang, Chin-Chih article pdf(564)
2016-06 Differential Gains in SNSs: Effects of Active vs. Passive Facebook Political Participation on Offline Political Participation and Voting Behavior among First-time and Experienced Voters 林日璇、Lin, Jih-Hsuan article pdf(499)
2016-07 社交網站與公眾參與:「Pansci泛科學臉書專頁」使用者研究 施琮仁 article pdf(644)
2015-12 氣候變遷相關政策民意支持的多元面貌 徐美苓、施琮仁 article pdf(468)