All Of Publications(Limit:College of Communication)

Showing 8401-8425 of 8719
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
1998 Deregulating Telecommunication Services in Greater China GEORGETTE WANGPAI-LIN CHEN、劉駿州、GEORGETTE WANGPAI-LIN CHEN、Liu, Chun-Chou book/chapter web page(1453)
2021 The Creative Discourse on Ms. Lin, the Retouching Lady 林詩純、Lin, Shih-Chun thesis pdf(213)
2010-07 多元文化下的社區傳播:從下而上、從上而下的參與 MINE-PING SUN conference
2014.01 Preferred Argument Structure in Mandarin Child-directed Speech CHIUNG-CHIH HUANG report web page(1573)
2000 我國有線電視費率管制之研究 朱砡瑩 thesis web page(460)
2014 HearMe: assisting the visually impaired to record vibrant moments of everyday life 蔡宜璇、Tsai, Yi Hsuan thesis pdf(615)
2000 探討記者查證、訪問、寫作的知識基礎:專家能力的特質(3/3) WEI-WEN CHUNG report pdf(1041)
2013 碩士班-國際傳播英語碩士學位學程(IMICS) 102年 國際傳播英語碩士學位學程(IMICS) exam pdf(287)
2004-07 媒體無所不在--評Todd Gitlin, Media Unlimited: How the Torrent of Images and Sounds Overwhelms Our Lives CHIEN-SAN FENG article pdf(784)
2011-04 媒介暴露與資訊處理策略對新流感相關知識的影響 VEN-HWEI LOHERNG SU article pdf(1084)
2008-12 探究設計師概念構思過程中的搜尋行為特性 嚴貞、PEI-JUNG CHENG、Pei-JungCheng periodical articles pdf(325)
2007-07 記者與政府機關的互動關係—以經濟部為例 蘇惠群 conference
2009-11 Effective Science Communication: Public Perceptions and Media Representation I-HUEI CHENG、曾耀寰 conference
2019-06 My gay mother and I:The narrative construction of liberal family view 伊強、Yi, Qiang conference pdf(157)
2019 Research and creation of digital tour guide system using collaborative learning in VR – An example of "Daxiong Baodian of Chin-Nan Temple" 李威霖、Li, Wei-Lin thesis pdf(0)
1996-07 政治認知與電視新聞解讀 --閱聽人研究的再審視 MEI-LING HSU、Hsu, Mei-Ling book/chapter web page(1065)
2019 The study of the Dynamic Competition among the mobile operators in Taiwan 葉俊延、Yeh, Chun-Yen thesis pdf(4539)
2011 The study of Mega events on the image branding of Taipei 蔡依蒨、Tsai, Yi Chien thesis
2009 碩士班-國際傳播英語碩士學位學程(IMICS) 98年 國際傳播英語碩士學位學程(IMICS) exam pdf(264)
1978-12 音樂電視 (MTV)與休閒文化關聯性之研究 潘家慶SHIH-FAN WANG article
1994 Social movement and alternative media in Taiwan:1986-1992 廖素霞、Liaw, Su Shia thesis web page(308)
2004-10 2004年電視總統選舉新聞的政黨偏差 VEN-HWEI LOGEE-CHIN HOU conference
2021-06 Z世代媒介多工動機與消費決策信心:從眾、任務相關性、與資訊可診斷性之調節連續中介效果 YUHMIIN CHANGYUHMIIN CHANG conference web page(417)
2010 Partial Response Maximum Likelihood Sequence Detector for a Nonlinear Magnetic Recording Channel Kao, Tsai-Sheng 、 Chen, Chiu-Hsiung 、SHENG-CHIH CHEN、 Hou, Sheng-Yun 、 Chang, Yuan-Chang 、 Chou, Xsing-Bang conference
2016-04 用街頭人生嘆息的歌──Dona Rosa看見的里斯本 SHE-FONG CHUNG、Zhong, Shi-Fang article pdf(276)