All Of Publications(Limit:College of Communication)

Showing 2426-2450 of 8591
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2009-10-17 台灣家具廣告之符號消費研究 林怡均、HSIU-HUI SUN、陳儀芬、Yi-Chun Lin、Hsiu-hui Sun、I-fen Chen conference pdf(5480)
2009-10-17 「現代化」與理想女性角色的建構:以日治時期《台灣日日新報》廣告為例 陳燕蓉、HSIU-HUI SUN、陳儀芬、Yen-Jung Chen、Hsiu-hui Sun、I-fen Chen conference pdf(13591)
2013-12 我國原住民電視台公共問責機制的研究與想像 YAE-WEI WANGYAE-WEI WANG article web page(1141)
2007-11 Newspaper Coverage of the 2004 Presidential Election in Taiwan VEN-HWEI LO、王慧馨、GEE-CHIN HOUVEN-HWEI LO、Huei-Hsing Wang、Gee-Chin Hou article pdf(2028)
1996-05 台灣新聞人員的專業倫理:1994年的調查分析 VEN-HWEI LOVEN-HWEI LO conference
2000-11-11 大陸、香港與台灣新聞人員對新聞倫理的態度與認知 VEN-HWEI LO、陳文、潘忠黨 conference
2007 《熒惑守心》劇本創作論述 馬克明 thesis pdf(807)pdf(808)pdf(719)pdf(637)pdf(1413)pdf(2002)pdf(966)pdf(935)pdf(889)pdf(931)pdf(7766)
2007 媒體素養教育之教學指引架構發展-以「轉化媒介再現刻板印象」為例 林佳儀 thesis pdf(1162)pdf(1093)pdf(1177)pdf(2782)pdf(1972)pdf(1149)pdf(1646)pdf(1325)pdf(992)pdf(1047)pdf(1374)pdf(1002)pdf(1513)pdf(1429)
2008 A study of the modular digitalized program production for format stations 李鈺琦 thesis pdf(969)pdf(860)pdf(788)pdf(841)pdf(1014)pdf(3103)pdf(1529)pdf(1362)pdf(1014)pdf(1670)
2009 The case study of competitive advantages of WiMAX operator in Taiwan:For Far Eastone Telecom 陳柏佑 thesis pdf(3813)
2008 Pharmacies on Air: A Field Analysis of the Culture of Medicinal Consumption in Southern Taiwan 陳瑞芸 thesis pdf(833)pdf(1002)pdf(956)pdf(1061)pdf(1474)pdf(1748)pdf(3186)pdf(1572)pdf(2291)pdf(1564)pdf(985)pdf(1127)pdf(1267)
2006 有機食品的媒體再現—以《中國時報》、《聯合報》以及《民生報》的報導為例(1995-2006年) 陳琪惠 thesis pdf(894)pdf(949)pdf(918)pdf(830)pdf(1181)pdf(3671)pdf(1157)pdf(1074)pdf(1065)pdf(1377)pdf(1254)
2008 The Dialectics of History and Contemporary: The Representations of Cultural Revolution in Chinese Language Films Made During and After 1990s. 關志華 thesis pdf(1293)pdf(1425)pdf(1285)pdf(1767)pdf(3547)pdf(3124)pdf(1761)pdf(1939)pdf(1529)pdf(1555)pdf(2005)
2009 Liquid Journalism and new generation of reporters in Taiwan: A narrative approach based on Zygmunt Bauman’s theory of Liquid Modernity 華婉伶 thesis pdf(1580)
2009 A treatise on media externality and its politics: Assessing the next weekly 李郁青、Li, Yu Ching thesis pdf(7849)
2007 新聞記者之網路使用與預測 VEN-HWEI LO、張凱蒂、PAO-FANG CHANG article
2008 Ethical risk perception of freebies and effects on journalists’ ethical reasoning Lo, Ven-hwei、Ran Wei、VEN-HWEI LO、魏然 article pdf(2199)
1992-10 再思考「傳播帝國主義」再思考 CHIEN-SAN FENG、敦誠 article
2008 News media use and knowledge about the 2006 U.S. Midterm elections: Why exposure matters in voter learning Ran Wei、VEN-HWEI LO article
2009 Examining the First, Second and Third Person Effects of Internet Pornography on Taiwanese Adolescents: Implications for the Restriction of Pornography VEN-HWEI LO、Lo, Ven-hwei、Wei, R.、Wu S.M. article pdf(1399)
2007 The Study on TV Drama of Product Placement 唐淑珍 thesis pdf(3959)pdf(1951)pdf(1793)pdf(2252)pdf(2537)pdf(3534)pdf(1611)pdf(1311)pdf(1329)pdf(1347)pdf(1202)
2008 A study of in-group consciousness in TV advertisements. 李朝榮 thesis pdf(1852)pdf(1715)pdf(1184)pdf(4194)pdf(3817)pdf(1634)pdf(1233)pdf(990)pdf(1547)pdf(947)
2009 Examining the interaction among luxury public relations practitioners, the media and socialites in Taiwan: An exploratory study 林吳英、Lin, Wu- Ying thesis pdf(3716)
2009 A study on experiential marketing of gold ecological park 鄭旭玲 thesis pdf(2481)
2008 Documentary:TV news cameraman:Open eyes HUI-JEN LEE、Lee, Kevin H.J thesis pdf(2804)