All Of Publications(Limit:College of Commerce、1990-1999)

Showing 326-350 of 4575
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
1990-01 Part-period balancing with uncertainty: a fuzzy sets theory approach YIH-YUH LEE、Kramer B. A.、C. L. Hwang、YIH-YUH LEE、 KRAME, B. A. 、 HWANG, C. L. article web page(1301)
1996 Consumer Reliance on Intrinsic and Extrinsic Cues in Product Evaluations YUNG-CHIEN LOU、Lee, Moonkyu、YUNG-CHIEN LOU article pdf(1157)
1993-05 Environment,Strategy,Structure and Performance in the Context of Export Activity:An Empirical Study of Taiwanese Manufacturing Firms Kaynak, Erdener、KANG-YEN KUAN article web page(999)
1998-11 New Design Concepts for an Intelligent Internet GENG-SHENG KUO、Lin J.P.、Geng-Sheng Kuo、 Jing-Pei Lin article pdf(1093)
1998 The Effects of Framing Price Promotion Messages on consumers` Perceptions and Purchase Intention YUNG-CHIEN LOU、Shih-Fen S.Chen、Kent B.Monroe、YUNG-CHIEN LOU、Chen, S Shih-Fen、Kent B.Monroe article pdf(1546)
1998-07 Market Orientation of Small and Medium-Sized Firms in Taiwan SHUN-CHING HORNG article web page(1194)
1994 Foreign Ownership and Cost Efficiency in U.S.Multinational Banking CHWO-MING YU、Fayez A. Elayan、CHWO-MING YU、Chang, C. Edward 、 Elayan, Fayez A. 、CHWO-MING YU article web page(1364)
1998-02 A Selective Review of Innovation Process Research --- A Metatheoretic Approach YUNG-CHIEN LOU article web page(1325)
1995-06 A Categorization Approach to Market Segmentation YUNG-CHIEN LOUYUNG-CHIEN LOU article pdf(558)
1999 國內標竿企業探討公務機關之教育訓練評估 YEH-YUN LIN article
1993-01 A Fuzzy Linear Programming Approach to Aggregate Production Planning YIH-YUH LEE article web page(1376)
1995-06 保證品質信號發射理論之消費者面實證 SHUN-CHING HORNG、闕河士 article web page(1009)
1999 消費品品牌權益衡量量表之建構--顧客基礎觀點 SHUN-CHING HORNG、陳振燧 article web page(1220)
1993-03 臺灣勞資倫理關係之社會文化脈絡初探 PING-DER HUANG article web page(897)
1999 非營利組織行銷:表演藝術團體之探索性研究 YUNG-CHIEN LOU article web page(994)
1997-03 人力供需失衡之解析與因應之道 PING-DER HUANG article
1998-03 企業改造面面觀--跨世紀之企業變革新思維 KANG-YEN KUAN article web page(835)
1994-04 從國際貿易之觀點看捷運局與馬特拉公司間之糾紛與仲裁 梁滿潮 article
1994-06 賽局理論及其經濟之應用 LEN-KUO HU article
1993-03 信用狀統一規則?規定??見?信用狀取引???? 梁滿潮 article
1996-05 製造物責任?貿易業者??策????一考察 梁滿潮 article
1996-01 論產品責任與國際貿易 MENG-CHIA TSAI article
1995-03 1995台灣經貿新契機 MENG-CHIA TSAI article
1994-01 UCP500的強制性規定(上) 梁滿潮 article
1994-01 UCP500的強制性規定(下) 梁滿潮 article