All Of Publications(Limit:College of Liberal Arts)

Showing 14601-14625 of 15068
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2015-12 Confucians, Publishers and Writers: the Spread of T`ang-yin-pi-shih in early Edo Japan KUEI-JU LINKUEI-JU LIN article pdf(385)
2006-02 胡塞爾的現象學心理學是一種藝術?--就康德的「反思判斷」來看 WEN-SHENG WANG article pdf(1356)
2007-07 從古典到正典:中國古代儒學意識之形成 CHI-PING LIN book web page(499)
2018-08 誰是古之良醫? SHIH-CHI CHINSHIH-CHI CHIN other pdf(200)
2004 晚明笑話書《絕纓三笑》中之性別與情色意識 CHING-SHENG HUANG book/chapter web page(644)
2024 The Research of Sun Qifeng's Si Shu Jin Zhi 鄭儒駿、Cheng, Ju-Chun thesis pdf(0)
1991-10 中國思想淺話 TIEN-TSUNG YU book web page(713)
2005 The Doctrine and Practice of “the Dharma-Door of Non–Duality” in the Mañjuśrī Scriptures 陳渝菁、Chen, Yu-Jing thesis web page(719)
2016 The Status of Kant’s Rechtslehre in His Moral Philosophy 王冠龍、Wang, Kuan Lung thesis pdf(1071)
2022-01 Analysis of the Intercultural and Intergenerational Model for Developing Intercultural Communicative Competence in Chinese L2 Course HUANG,YA-YING HUANG、Huang, Ya-ying article web page(178)
2013-06 近代中國知識轉型與概念變遷/觀念形塑—觀念史/概念史方法與視域 WEN-HUEI CHENGWEN-HUEI CHENG article pdf(376)
2005 大乘瑜伽行派與中觀學派之知識論爭論及其宗教性意涵的研究(2/3) CHEN-KUO LIN report pdf(648)
1986 元明清戲曲小說中之伍子胥 童宏民、TONG, HONG-MIAN thesis web page(416)
2020 The study of adapted strategy in Teng Chih-mo`s "Chi-Chuan-Ti" novels 秦大岡、Chin, Ta-Kang thesis pdf(738)
2021-10 論美好人生 WEI-DING TSAI conference web page(339)
2021 The Effect of Modeled Sustained Silent Reading Activities on Reading Motivation and Reading Habit for Fifth Grade Elementary School Students 唐寓琳、Tang, Yu-Lin thesis pdf(0)
1998 作為自然科學哲學之胡塞爾現象學與邏輯實證論間的差異–從邏輯的建構觀點來看 WEN-SHENG WANG report pdf(1683)
2021-06 From Fracture to Reconstruction: The Impacts of Information and Communications Technology on the Vietnamese Migration Network YU-JUNG CHENG、陳光華、Cheng, Yu-Jung、Chen, Kuang-Hua article web page(135)
2021 The Zau Lu’s Study of Four Books 謝幸芬、Hsieh, Hsin-Fen thesis pdf(164)
2014-12 On al-Ghazzali’s Salvation of Soul and Heart: An Analysis of Contemplative Psychology 楊美芬 article web page(366)
2010-10 A Study on Zhu Zhen's Theories in Xiang-Shu and Tu-Shu---The Study of I-Ching RUI- HONG CHEN report pdf(517)
2002-06 淺論電子文件鑑定 LI-KUEI HSUEH、 黃國斌 article web page(1177)
2004-06 神譴或神意?—英格蘭宗教改革中期(1547-1559)新舊教對女性權威的理解與辯論 MAY-SHINE LIN article pdf(3068)
2007-11 Promotion of Archives Literacy to the Public : Archives Week/Month and Archives Awareness Month Held in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom LI-KUEI HSUEHLI-KUEI HSUEH article pdf(1239)
1986-03 戴高樂的對俄外交 (一九五八?一九六九) JUIN-YIH WU article