All Of Publications(Limit:Department of History、2010-2019)

Showing 176-200 of 639
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2013 Imperial examination and Tang Dynasty literati`s family : A Case Study Of The Po ling Tsui Family 吳湘寧、Wu, Hsiang Ning thesis web page(515)
2014-06 Emotional therapy and Talking Cures in Late Imperial China HSIU-FEN CHENHSIU-FEN CHEN book/chapter web page(1698)
2013-12 唐代養子的類型及其禮法地位 TUNG-HWA LOTUNG-HWA LO article pdf(807)
2014-06 「無關救贖」的辯論---十六世紀英格蘭的祭衣之爭 MAY-SHINE LIN article pdf(652)
2014-05 蔣中正廬山談話會講話發表經過 WEI-KAI LIU article pdf(2119)
2014-08 唐代的「同居」家庭 TUNG-HWA LO book/chapter web page(1211)
2010-09 盟軍總部與中日漁權爭議(1945〜1952) 陳冠任、Chen, Kuan-Jen article pdf(1024)
2013-08 唐代家庭的戶籍與財產問題 TUNG-HWA LO article web page(928)
2010 台湾における「大東亜戦争」の記憶 一九四三~五三年 ―当事者の不在― SHI-CHI LAN article web page(986)
2010 The Ambivalence of National Imagination: Defining the ‘Taiwanese’ in China, 1931-1941 SHI-CHI LANSHI-CHI LAN article pdf(1207)
2014.06 異常,抑或自主?獨身女性瑟克拉故事的社會文化意義 KUO-YU TSUIKUO-YU TSUI article pdf(1120)
2014.02 (Re-)Writing History of the Second World War: Forgetting and Remembering the Taiwanese-native Japanese Soldiers in Postwar Taiwan SHI-CHI LANSHI-CHI LAN article pdf(1252)
2015-01 In Pursuit of Equality and Liberty: Taiwan’s Indigenous Political Movement in the 1920s SHI-CHI LANSHI-CHI LAN book/chapter web page(1906)
2014-07 可悲傷性,「戰爭之框」與台籍戰犯 SHI-CHI LANSHI-CHI LAN book/chapter web page(1636)
2014.01 Taiwanese in China and their multiple identities, 1931—1945 SHI-CHI LANSHI-CHI LAN book/chapter web page(1837)
2014-02 Shaping Perception of the Second World War: A Study of Textbooks in Taiwan in the 1940s SHI-CHI LANSHI-CHI LAN book/chapter web page(1827)
2013-05 從「反共」的希望到被遺忘的戰爭: 台灣的韓戰記憶 SHI-CHI LANSHI-CHI LAN book/chapter
2010-06 L’Étranger” across the Taiwan Strait: History of the Civil War Taiwanese-Guomindang Soldiers SHI-CHI LANSHI-CHI LAN book/chapter web page(1955)
2011-09 崩潰年代: 1948 蔣永敬、Chiang, Yung-Ching article pdf(645)
2011-12 胡適晚年與蔣介石的互動(1948-1962) 任育德、Jen, Yu-Te article pdf(2245)
2012-03 國民政府農林部水土保持實驗區的設置與發展(1942-1946) 林志晟、Lin, Chih-Cheng article pdf(324)
2012-12 遷臺前的國軍電影事業(1926-1949) 陳佑慎、Chen, Yu-shen article pdf(1263)
2012-12 戰後國共和談──從重慶會談到整軍方案 蔣永敬、Chiang, Yung-ching Chiang article pdf(772)
2013-12 描繪丁文江:論胡適《丁文江的傳記》 任育德、Jen, Yu-Te article pdf(1036)
2014-03 來臺後曾虛白的宣傳工作與理念(1949-1994) GUO-SIAN LINGUO-SIAN LIN article pdf(607)