All Of Publications(Limit:College of Science、1990-1999)

Showing 401-425 of 716
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
1998 The study of managerial assessment by peer nomination in the group exercise 李俊明、Lee, Chun-Ming thesis 說明頁(271)
1998 Psychological separation, attachment, and career indecision in college students. 江捷如、Jiang, Jye-Ru thesis 說明頁(233)
1998 Learning counseling strategies in learning English--for academy school students woth troubles in learning English 汪敏慧、Wang, Min-Hui thesis 說明頁(302)
1997 The role of group factors in the animal behavior 孫旻暐、Suen, Mein-Woei thesis 說明頁(277)
1997 The effects of glutamate on psychostimulant induced conditioned place preference 張雅惠、Chang, Yea-Heuy thesis 說明頁(469)
1997 The relation between frustration experience and frustration tolerance of teenagers:the roles of costructive thinking and social support play 謝毓雯、Hsieh, Yu-Wen thesis 說明頁(265)
1997 Discussion about group identity and behavior intention 杜瓊瑜、Tu, Chiung-Yu thesis 說明頁(209)
1997 Effects of Social Comparisons upon Individual`s Affection, Cognition, and Behavior 徐富珍、Hsu, Fu-Chen thesis 說明頁(252)
1997 Cognitive processing in bilingual: the asymmetry of links between concept and lexicon 劉効樺、Liu, Shiau-Hua thesis 說明頁(234)
1998 以360度回饋探討主管人員自他評一致性與領導效能關係之實證研究 劉岡憬 thesis 說明頁(273)
1990 心理學質的研究的探討 洪錫井、Hong, Xi-Jing thesis 說明頁(338)
1990 國小學童解決親子衝突的研究 徐萍、XU,PING thesis 說明頁(313)
1999 A New Look at Fuzzy Theory via Chu space 吳柏林 conference
1995 An Approximation Procedure for Semaphore Queueing Systems 陸行 conference
1995 Multi-layered Semaphore Queue with Coxian Arrivals and Exponential Servers 陸行 conference
1995 Threshold Control Policies for An M/M/N Heterogeneous Server System 陸行 conference
1997-01 青少年自殺防治的研究 許文耀 conference
1995 「工作適應人格量表修訂計劃」成果報告 陳彰儀 report
1990 休閒與工作意願提昇 陳彰儀 report
1993 何根人格量表修訂計劃研究報告 陳彰儀 report
1992 家庭教育專業人員訓練進階課程之研究 鍾思嘉、陳彰儀蔣治邦 report
1995 婦女休閒的健康心理 陳彰儀 report
1994 都會地區成人及青少年休閒認知和態度調查 林東泰、陳彰儀、黃定國 report
1996 「自殺行為徵兆評估量表」編製計劃第二年計劃研究報告 許文耀 report
1998 「自殺行為徵兆評估量表」編製計劃第三年計劃研究報告 許文耀 report