All Of Publications(Limit:College of Science、2010-2019)

Showing 276-300 of 1797
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2012 On the algorithms for the compatibility of bivariate finite conditional distributions 劉軒志 thesis pdf(537)
2012 On the compatibility issues of three-dimensional conditional distributions by eigenvector approach 高裕哲、Kao, Yu Che thesis pdf(470)
2012 The best reference point method for the modification of the conditional distribution odds ratio matrices 郭俊佑 thesis pdf(467)
2012 A comparison between maximun likelihood estimation and maximun pseudo-likelihood estimation using three bivariate continuous distributions 張嘉福 thesis pdf(700)
2013 Fuzzy correlation analysis with student`s commuting time and academic performance 王恩誠 thesis pdf(253)
2012 Calculating Rank of Discrete Divisors on Tropical Curves 張穎泓 thesis pdf(570)
2012 The relationship between microglia and adult neurogenesis after adrenalectomy 連文瑜、Lien, Wen Yu thesis
2012 Statistical and Dynamical Properties of Returns Using High Frequency 1-day Moving Averages For Collections of U.S Stocks Over 1996-1999 王柏淵、Wang, Bo Yuan thesis pdf(1319)
2012 Graph-based vulnerability analyses on power grid and associated protection strategies against cascading failures 易敬剛、Yi, Ching Kang thesis web page(419)
2012 Study of Anisotropic Interface Magnetoresistance of Fe, Co, Ni, CuNi and Pt, Pd Combination Multilayered System 張哲鈞、Chang, Che Chun thesis pdf(1064)
2012 Synthesis and Characterization of Topological Insulator Bi1.5Sb0.5Te3-ySey , y=1.1, 1.2, 1.4 and 1.6 王冠淵、Wang, Kuan Yuan thesis pdf(231)
2012 Single-crystal growth and pressure effect on superconducting critical temperature of CeCo1-xRuxIn5 (x=0-0.5) 鄭翔誌 thesis pdf(248)
2012 The application of parallel Python in SCMDS 李沛承、Lee, Pei Cheng thesis pdf(767)
2010 The Influence of Self-focused Attention on Social Anxious Individuals in a Social Threat Context:The Exploration on the Imagery, the Observer Perspective, and the Anxiety Emotion 陳品皓、Chen,Pin Hao thesis pdf(1567)
2010 Parental coping strategy, parental empathy, and child abuse potential in single mother. 楊家雯、Yang, Chia Wen thesis pdf(1298)
2010 Illness representations, reflection and rumination as predictors of self-care behaviours in patients with type II diabetes 張瓊文、Chang, Chung Wen thesis pdf(1849)
2010 From recall to recognition: an extension of serial order in a box model 林軒宇、Lin, Hsuan Yu thesis pdf(597)
2010 Top-Down and Bottom-Up Attention in Visual Search of Emotional Faces in Aging 李璦如、Lee, Ai Ru thesis pdf(330)
2010 Procrastination tendency and behavior of people with internal locus of control: Mediated by psychological reactance. 黃一琦、Huang, Yi Chi thesis pdf(822)
2010 Silence speaks more than words?! Ignoring in adolescent friendship 賴思伃、Lai, Szu Yu thesis pdf(868)
2010 Taiwan hemodialysis patients’ individual quality of life:assessed by SEIQoL-DW 羅一哲、Luo, Yi Jhe thesis pdf(884)
2010 Risk factor in somatic marker hypothesis 仲惠瓘、Chung, Hui Kuan thesis pdf(2235)
2010 Use of latent profile analysis to identify individual difference phenotypes in categorical learning 鍾德政 thesis pdf(765)
2011 The relationship of abusive supervision and subordinate consequences—the mediation effect of negative emotion 張真瑜 thesis pdf(4168)
2011 The relationship of perfectionism and locus of control to indecisiveness and career myths in emerging adulthood:the mediating effect of identity exploration 蕭立婕 thesis pdf(1193)