All Of Publications(Limit:College of Science)

Showing 1551-1575 of 5462
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2008 Gender difference on nonverbal sensitivity: Due to power differentials or different social role expectations? 林怡秀、Lin, Yi Hsiu thesis pdf(799)pdf(922)pdf(977)pdf(858)pdf(1060)pdf(2011)pdf(930)pdf(1287)pdf(1020)pdf(1039)pdf(1213)pdf(807)pdf(1220)
2008 The interaction of emotion and cognition in decision making process 陳佩鈴、Chen, Pei-Ling thesis pdf(912)pdf(889)pdf(855)pdf(865)pdf(859)pdf(970)pdf(1333)pdf(893)pdf(867)pdf(860)pdf(1085)
2009 Under the global financial Tsunami, the influence of layoffs on the survivors. 蔡佩宜 thesis pdf(2769)
2008 The Subjective Perception during Sleep Onset Period on Stress Situation 楊旻鑫、Yang, Min-Hsin thesis pdf(898)pdf(928)pdf(1019)pdf(1269)pdf(1805)pdf(1830)pdf(861)pdf(1018)pdf(946)pdf(993)pdf(750)
2008 電視功能選單圖形介面呈現形式之探討 游鳳怡 thesis pdf(744)pdf(810)pdf(838)pdf(811)pdf(1791)pdf(1065)pdf(956)pdf(1102)pdf(793)
2009 The pricing of structured notes: Interest rate-linked product 李政儒、Lee, Cheng Ju thesis pdf(981)pdf(921)pdf(1167)
2008 A Study on Bounded Bitolerance Orders 伍芷嫻 thesis pdf(674)pdf(703)pdf(665)pdf(727)pdf(706)pdf(756)pdf(768)pdf(739)pdf(697)
2010-01-31 國立政治大學學生心理健康篩檢量表之編制 HUI-LAN HSIU、林筱婷、馬承逸、黃禎慧、藍宇姮 report pdf(18650)pdf(1552)
2009 Compatibility of normal conditional distributions under bivariate distribution 蕭惠玲 thesis pdf(963)
2008 Memory deficits following selective loss of hippocampal granule cells after adrenalectomy in rats GUEY-JEN LAI conference
2009 Auditory evoked event related potentials and in vitro evoked circuit activity from adult MeCP2+/‐ mice indicate a shared autism phenotype and disrupted inhibitory cortical circuitry WEN-LIN LIAO conference
2009 Aberrant neurochemical expression in striosomal compartments of the striatum in RXRγ null mutant mice WEN-LIN LIAO conference
2009 Aberrant striatal gene expression and psychomotor impairments in a mouse model of Rett Syndrome WEN-LIN LIAO conference
2007-12 On Tropicalization of Non-abelian Cohomology YEN-LUNG TSAI conference
2002-08 On a new characteristic function THOMAS J. JIANG conference
2004 The Gibbs sampler for Bayesian analysis on censored categorical data THOMAS J. JIANG conference
2006 On the random functional of the Ferguson-Dirichlet process THOMAS J. JIANG conference
2006 An inversion formula of the univariate c-characteristic function THOMAS J. JIANG conference
1999 A New Look at Fuzzy Theory via Chu space BER-LIN WU conference
2006-05 On Economic Forecasting with DNA Computing BER-LIN WU conference
2006-06 Forecasting Technique with DNA Computing BER-LIN WU conference
2007 問卷調查與分析新技術:模糊統計量與智慧計算應用 BER-LIN WU conference
2007-03 Fuzzy Statistical Analysis and Estimation BER-LIN WU conference
2007-05 智能計算在計量經濟分析之應用 BER-LIN WU conference
2007-12 Goodness-of-Fit Test with Fuzzy Data BER-LIN WU conference