All Of Publications(Limit:2000-2009)

Showing 43476-43500 of 44104
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2005 Taiwan Top 50 Tracker Fund and the Liquidity of Its Underlying Stocks 劉惠娟、LIU, HUI-JUAN thesis pdf(875)pdf(621)pdf(717)pdf(672)pdf(1034)pdf(1361)pdf(951)pdf(823)pdf(768)pdf(702)pdf(780)
2005-09 宗教融合的理論與實踐:以早期基督教為例 YEN-ZEN TSAIYEN-ZEN TSAI article
2008 TE Kauki Bangke Business Plan 德海娜、Teiwaki, Ngaina thesis pdf(840)pdf(813)pdf(857)pdf(788)pdf(837)pdf(880)pdf(859)pdf(1065)pdf(1044)
2004-12 The Current State and Development of e-Business for the Machinery Industry in Taiwan WOO-TSONG LIN、Bor-Yu Yang、Shih-Ching Wang article pdf(2059)
2007-06 影響區域立委連任成敗之因素:事件史分析 CHI HUANGCHI HUANGCHI HUANG article pdf(1064)
2006 A study on Group life insurance and related legal issues 李琬鈴、Lee, Wan Ling thesis pdf(902)pdf(1041)pdf(1063)pdf(953)pdf(1021)pdf(3787)pdf(3028)pdf(3275)pdf(2643)pdf(1723)pdf(1727)pdf(1295)
2006 Codependency in Dyad Relationships in Chinese Family 陳淑欽、Chen, Shu-Chin thesis pdf(1027)pdf(982)pdf(920)pdf(1171)pdf(1222)pdf(3669)pdf(1505)pdf(1113)pdf(1283)pdf(1640)pdf(3548)pdf(7712)pdf(960)
2006 Mutualism-Based Idea Management for Mobile Phone Design Service 蔡哲仁、Tsai, Je Ren thesis pdf(702)pdf(749)pdf(1118)pdf(614)pdf(875)pdf(1277)pdf(838)pdf(1299)pdf(746)pdf(975)pdf(749)pdf(824)
2009 Gender differences in news coverage between men and women players for Chinese Taipei basketball teams in Jones Cup from 2007 to 2009 江佳琪、Chiang, Ricie thesis pdf(2986)
2005 電視新聞中立法委員表演行為比例探討:非選舉與選舉期比較 李人豪 conference pdf(620)
2007-12 State Secrets Privilege: Origins, Parameters, and Application 薛朝勇、Huseh, Chao-Yung article pdf(400)
2002 走入新世紀的私法自治 YUNG-CHIN SU book/chapter pdf(701)
2003 Research on Foreseeability Doctrine under the Vienna Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods 林毓棟 thesis pdf(3870)
2001-06 韓國史教學心得與檢討 HUI-CHING HWANG, conference
2005-05 政府政策與R&D投資:一個雙占模型之應用 葉金標、WEI-CHU HSU article web page(652)
2008 The Post-Cold War US-China Competitions from the Perspective of Soft Power 李興華、Lee, Hsing Hua thesis web page(530)
2000-09 學校建築之美─百年老校(新埔國小) CHIH-MIN TANG article pdf(990)
2002 收視率於廣告主、廣告代理商、媒體購買公司的電視媒體購買策略應用之研究 林宜蓁 thesis web page(400)
2008-10 泰國媒體改革之系譜學及其論述 蔡欣怡、劉忠博 article pdf(178)
2009 A study of volatility trading strategies: evidence from Taiwan index options 賴星旅、Lai, Hsing Lu thesis
2005 參與式社區媒介:彰化縣員林鎮《員林鄉親報》、南投縣草屯鎮《匏仔寮社區報》的個案研究 MINE-PING SUN report pdf(3833)
2003-01 數位內容重點領域鑑價模式構面 KUA-TERNG SU、賀楚芬、黃鈺晴、曾耀泰、葉程瑋、羅漢傑 report
2007-02 大學圖書館員服務導向組織公民行為初探:由服務品質觀點探討 彭于萍 article pdf(346)
2000 唐代妓女的類別與性質研究 張福政 thesis web page(603)
2006-01 政務人力體系的新制度設計 JAY N. SHIH article pdf(1079)