2010-07 |
博弈產業之行政紀律監理與司法審查之規定 |
林國彬 |
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說明頁(8) |
2008-03 |
發行新股與衍生性證券之交錯—我國公司法與證券交易法之規範解釋 |
林國彬 |
article |
說明頁(11) |
2009-09 |
敵意併購防禦措施之研究—以財務性防禦措施之毒藥丸為主要範圍 |
林國彬 |
article |
說明頁(16) |
2007-04 |
敵意併購防禦措施之研究--黃金降落傘(Golden Parachute) |
林國彬 |
article |
說明頁(11) |
2008-08 |
論私募有價證券違法轉售之法律效果-兼評臺北地方法院九六年重訴字第五六五號判決 |
林國彬 |
article |
說明頁(13) |
2024-09 |
Evaluating the Efficiency of Capital Enhancement and Investment Constraints in Life Insurance Supervision |
張士傑、曾毓英、Chang, Shih-Chieh Bill、Tzeng, Yu-Ying、Hsuan, Wei、Lee, Yen-Kuan |
article |
說明頁(10) |
2024-06 |
人壽保險欠費之催告、方式與自動墊繳之準用-評最高法院112年度臺上字第2563號民事判決 |
陳俊元 |
article |
說明頁(21) |
2024-09 |
人壽保險契約強制執行之豁免與介入權:簡評保險法修正草案 |
陳俊元 |
article |
說明頁(19) |
2024-03 |
生存保險、要保人兼為受益人並先於被保險人死亡之效果 |
陳俊元 |
article |
說明頁(17) |
2024-06 |
金融業高階管理人員之職責與問責地圖:英國經驗與我國實踐 |
陳俊元 |
article |
說明頁(18) |
2024-11 |
Value-enhancing modeling of surrenders and lapses |
蔡政憲、Tsai, Chenghsien Jason、Huang, Hsiao-Tzu、Hwang, Yawen、Chan, Linus Fang-Shu |
article |
說明頁(13) |
2025-12 |
人壽保險業申訴率與抱怨率決定因子 |
劉冠麟、許永明 |
article |
說明頁(20) |
2024-06 |
The Paris Agreement effect of consumer awareness and sustainable investing: Some international evidence |
鍾明希、Chung, Min-His、Chang, Ya-Kai、Cheung, William Ming Yan、Tan, Haoyun |
article |
說明頁(20) |
2024-11 |
Is insomnia detrimental to proactive service performance and customer-directed helping? Mediation of employee resilience and moderation of job crafting |
鄭濬浩、Chung, June-ho、Hur, Won-Moo、Shin, Yuhyung |
article |
說明頁(22) |
2024-10 |
Unlocking emotional labor: how organizational control systems shape frontline service employees’ emotional labor |
鄭濬浩、Chung, June-ho、Hur, Won-Moo、Park, Hyewon |
article |
說明頁(16) |
2024-08 |
多角化及國際化程度對企業社會責任相對同業範疇表現之影響:已吸收餘裕的調節效果 |
譚丹琪、林介勝、Tan, Danchi、Lin, Chieh-Sheng |
article |
說明頁(21) |
2024-09 |
Accelerated failure time models with error-prone response and nonlinear covariates |
陳立榜、Chen, Li-Pang |
article |
說明頁(13) |
2023-09 |
Design and Application of Activity Value Management (AVM): The Case of Taiwan Soka Association |
吳安妮、Wu, Anne |
article |
說明頁(21) |
2021-06 |
Do Blockholder Incentives Matter? Evidence from Firm Innovation |
徐愛恩、張景宏、戚永苓、郭貴肇、Tsui, Stephanie、Chang, Ching-Hung、Chi, Yung-Ling、Kuo, Wesley |
article |
說明頁(20) |
2023-10 |
Green finance pilot reform and corporate green innovation |
徐愛恩、Tsui, Stephanie、Wang, Huaiming、Du, Dongying、Tang, Xiaojian |
article |
說明頁(15) |
2024-07 |
Tax Authority Governance and Corporate Internal Control Quality |
徐愛恩、Tsui, Stephanie、Tang, Xiaojian、Du, Dongying、Chen, Ying |
article |
說明頁(19) |
2024-08 |
Cloud PLM adoption: a multiple perspectives approach |
洪為璽、Hung, Wei-His、Lai, Wen-Chi |
article |
說明頁(17) |
2024-06 |
Continued usage intention of novice and expert players in social network games |
洪為璽、Hung, Wei-His、Chuang, Kai-Ju |
article |
說明頁(17) |
2024-09 |
A tale of two futures for Taiwan |
楊文琪、Yang, Wen-Chi |
article |
說明頁(23) |
2024-06 |
台湾、民進党の頼清徳新政権が発足 |
石原忠浩 |
article |
說明頁(12) |