
Showing 144651-144675 of 144878
日期 題名 作者 類型 全文(次)
2024-09 台灣老家族風水傳說方法論初探:從口述史、族譜文獻、GIS空間分析切入的多元視角 林敬智 conference pdf(16)
2023-08 The Predicament and Prospect of Inter-Religious Dialogue between East Asian Traditions and Islam— Remarks from a Casual Exchange of Ideas between Liu Shuxian and Seyyed Hossein Nasr 蔡源林 conference 說明頁(13)
2023-12 「體知」與朱熹的格物工夫 吳啟超 conference pdf(0)
2023-12 Embodied Knowing, Investigating Things, and Carving up an Ox 吳啟超、Ng, Kai-chiu conference pdf(0)
2024-04 朱熹的「理」能否「去實體化」但「不去形而上化」?—四家詮釋之考察 吳啟超 conference pdf(23)
2024-06 我們如何可以共存 -梅洛龐蒂與德勒茲對On(人們、人家、大家)的思考 張國賢 conference 說明頁(16)
2024-07 Gadamer on Health 蔡偉鼎Tsai, Wei-Ding conference pdf(25)
2024-08 Releasement as a Virtue: Heideggerian Normative Ethics Revisited 蔡偉鼎Tsai, Wei-Ding conference pdf(16)
2024-01 Some Reflections on Healthcare from a Gadamerian Perspective 蔡偉鼎Tsai, Wei-Ding conference pdf(0)
2024-04 論養生思想—一種概念史的研究 蔡偉鼎 conference pdf(14)
2024-06 養生作為自我照顧 蔡偉鼎 conference pdf(8)
2024-06 靈異經驗作為調節性理念 蔡偉鼎 conference pdf(10)
2024-06 Platner as a Partner of Dialogue: A New Reading of Fichte’s Account of Causality, Substantiality and Reciprocity 謝昭銳 conference 說明頁(16)
2024-01 Regressive and Progressive Transcendental Arguments 謝昭銳、Tse, Plato conference pdf(26)
2023-12 超驗觀念論之再探 謝昭銳 conference pdf(11)
2024-09 Justifying a dichotomy of questions in Mandarin: Evidence from a timed grammaticality judgment task 陳仲妤、Chen, Chung-yu、Hsu, Hung-Hsin、Her, One-Soon conference pdf(19)
2024-05 The investigation of Mandarin tone perception and production in Taiwanese children with Tourette syndrome 杜容玥、Tu, Jung Yueh、Ho, Suk Yin、Du, Jung Chieh conference 說明頁(20)
2024-08 Usability Testing of Digital Humanities Features of Archival Retrieval Systems (poster) 林巧敏、Huang, Yu-Ting、Lin, Chiao-Min conference 說明頁(17)
2024-07 A Tool for Associative Text Analysis to Enhance Efficiency in Exploring Hstorical Texts 陳志銘、Chang, Tien-Fu、Li, Ming-Chaun、Chen, Chih-Ming、Chen, Xian-Xu conference 說明頁(20)
2024-07 A Virtual 3D Chemistry Laboratory with an Enhanced AI Chatbot to Facilitate Learning Effectiveness 陳志銘、Chen, Bo-Jin、Chen, Chih-Ming、Huang, Chieh-Ling conference 說明頁(17)
2024-07 Developing a Meso-Viewpoint Discussion System to Promote Online Learning Performance 陳志銘、Chien, Ling-En、Li, Ming-Chaun、Chen, Chih-Ming、Huang, Huei-Chun conference 說明頁(17)
2024-07 Empowering Elementary Students’ Scratch Programming Skills through a Jigsaw Collaborative Learning Method in a Metaverse Virtual Space 陳志銘、Dai, Wan-Juan、Li, Ming-Chaun、Chen, Chih-Ming、Huang, Ming-Yan conference 說明頁(10)
2024-07 Exploring Relationships Between People and Organizations: A Digital Humanities Research Tool Based on AI Technology for Knowledge Graph Analysis 陳志銘、Liang, Chien-Yun、Li, Ming-Chaun、Chen, Chih-Ming、Lin, Chun-Yu conference 說明頁(16)
2024-07 The Impact of Collaborative Digital Reading Annotation System on Learning Performance and Motivation in Solving Mathematical Application Problems 陳志銘、Chiu, Shu-Hsuan、Li, Ming-Chaun、Chen, Chih-Ming、Kuo, Fu-Hsiu conference 說明頁(16)
2024-09 The German Historian Hedwig Hintze (1884-1942) and Her Historical Thought 陳致宏、Chen, Chih-hung conference pdf(21)