All Of Publications(Limit:College of Education、Proceedings、2020-2029)

Showing 51-75 of 156
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2021-11 The relationship of teacher well-being, resilience, and mindfulness: using mindfulness as a mediator 葉玉珠Yeh, Yu-chu、Ting, Yu-Shan conference 說明頁(237)
2021-10 中學教師面臨108課綱教育改革之壓力來源分析 葉玉珠Yeh, Yu-chu、王志文、丁毓珊 conference pdf(195)
2021-10 中學教師教學正念與幸福感、復原力量表發展暨現況分析 葉玉珠Yeh, Yu-chu、江瑞鈴、丁毓珊 conference 說明頁(236)
2021-10 中學教師壓力量表發展暨個人背景變項對新課綱實施前後壓力變化之效果 葉玉珠Yeh, Yu-chu、丁毓珊、江瑞鈴、李佩蓉、陳禹齊、傅如馨 conference 說明頁(229)
2022-03 Exploration of students’ learning experiences in a course developed with TPACK and design thinking 陳揚學Chen, Yang-Hsueh、Tsai, Meng-Fang conference pdf(174)
2022-03 Exploration of students’ learning experiences in a course developed with TPACK and design thinking 陳揚學Chen, Yang-Hsueh、Tsai, Meng-Fang conference pdf(211)
2021-11 Exploring transnational research partnership on a virtual mode and the impacts of COVID-19 pandemic– A longitudinal research over PIRE Project in Taiwan and US 侯永琪、Hou, Angela Yung Chi conference pdf(150)
2021-11 Pre-service teachers’ transformation of teaching under Covid-19: Feelings, strategies, and gains. 陳揚學Chen, Yang-Hsueh conference 說明頁(165)
2022-01 Promoting pre-service Teachers’ Technological, Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK) through developing virtual reality applications with the ASSURE instructional design model 陳揚學Chen, Yang-Hsueh、Tsai, Meng-Fang conference pdf(349)
2021-09 Promoting pre-service teachers’TPACK through designing and implementing augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR) applications with the ASSURE instructional design model 陳揚學Chen, Yang-Hsueh conference pdf(153)
2020-12 Testing the Affordances of Video Conferencing Applications under the COVID-19 Pandemic 陳揚學Chen, Yang-Hsueh conference pdf(116)
2021-10 「成為自我」:初探男跨女跨性別者向家人現身之相關互動經驗 宋宥賢、Sung, Yu-Hsien、陳思帆 conference
2022-07 初探教師諮詢在學校輔導中的實踐:從雙師觀點建構 宋宥賢、Sung, Yu-Hsien、林謙 conference pdf(109)
2021-10 Deepening the Understanding of Full-Time Counselling Teachers in Taiwan: A Polit Study into the Perspective on Competence 宋宥賢、李佩珊、Sung, Yu-Hsien、Lee, Pei-Shan conference 說明頁(130)
2022-04 Engaging Students in Reading Using Knowledge Forum to Enhance Reading Motivation and Deeper Understanding 洪煌堯Hong, Huang Yao、Karen, Yuan-Hsuan Lee conference 說明頁(580)
2022-04 Fostering online knowledge building discourse to advance knowledge 洪煌堯Hong, Huang Yao conference 說明頁(295)
2022-03 An Exploration of Pre-service Teacher’s TPACK Ideas Flow Pattern on Designing a Digital Learning Lesson 洪煌堯Hong, Huang Yao、薛智暉 conference 說明頁(136)
2020-10 國民小學校長社會正義領導指標建構之研究:模糊德菲法之應用 張奕華、張成緯 conference pdf(100)
2022-05 運用跨域合作提升偏鄉教育資源之探討-以桃園市復興區偏鄉學校為例 趙淑梅 conference 說明頁(130)
2021-12 疫情影響下暑期偏鄉營隊遠距服務之經驗分析--以某大學執行史懷哲計畫師資生為例 王素芸、 丁毓珊、 楊雨樵、 高靖哲 conference 說明頁(109)
2021-12 論公眾協力的偏鄉教育創新及疫情影響--以「鹿樂平臺」為例 王素芸 conference 說明頁(111)
2021-12 同負一軛:國中輔導教師與導師的輔導合作 陳婉真 conference 說明頁(131)
2022-07 青少年每日學習投入、學業困難與拒學之關係:探討學校輔導的保護作用 陳婉真 江守峻 conference pdf(0)
2022-07 大學系統探析及展望 趙淑梅 conference 說明頁(105)
2021-10 口號式的受壓迫者教育學vs.扭轉結構式的受壓迫者教育學:部分概念的釐清 張盈堃 conference pdf(110)