All Of Publications(Limit:College of Education、NSC Projects 、2020-2029)

Showing 1-20 of 20
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2020-07 Self-Transcendent Emotion: the Development and Application of Awe 余民寧、Yu, Min-Ning、熊師瑤、許雅涵 report 說明頁(352)
2020-07 Implementing Minful Learning Intervention through Technology to Enhance Creativity: an Exploration of Neural Plasticity 葉玉珠Yeh, Yu-Chu report pdf(265)
2020-08 Integrating Growth Mindset into Digital Creativity Game-Based Learning: Its Effects on Urban and Remote Area Pupils` Creativity Mindset and Creativity 葉玉珠Yeh, Yu-Chu report pdf(212)
2021-07 「翻轉」或「翻船」? 影響臺灣教師行動者的機會結構、世代與文化(第二次期中報告) 李淑菁、Lee, Shu-Ching report pdf(194)
2020-07 Pedagogical Biography Study on Waldorf School Graduates : a Case of Taichung Lei-Chuan Waldorf Experimental School 倪鳴香Ni, Ming Shiang report pdf(148)
2021-07 The Exploration of Secondary School Teacher’S Pressure in Facing the 108 Curriculum Guidelines as Well as the Development and Social Practice of a Resilience-Empower Program 葉玉珠YEH, YU-CHU、傅如馨 report 說明頁(247)
2021-08 Effects of Collaborative Knowledge Building Technologies on Students` Graphical Literacy and Writing Skills 洪煌堯Hong, Huang-Yao report pdf(118)
2020-08 Effects of Collaborative Knowledge Building Technologies on Students` Graphical Literacy and Writing Skills 洪煌堯Hong, Huang-Yao report 說明頁(260)
2020-08 Using Cloud Epistemic Tool to Assist University Students` Self-Directed Learning in Multimodal and Multitext Reading Literacy 洪煌堯Hong, Huang-Yao、李元萱 report 說明頁(222)
2021-08 Using Cloud Epistemic Tool to Assist University Students` Self-Directed Learning in Multimodal and Multitext Reading Literacy 洪煌堯Hong, Huang-Yao、李元萱 report 說明頁(214)
2022-08 Using Cloud Epistemic Tool to Assist University Students` Self-Directed Learning in Multimodal and Multitext Reading Literacy 洪煌堯Hong, Huang-Yao、李元萱 report 說明頁(247)
2021-08 Using Idea-Centered Pedagogy and Technology in a Knowledge Building Environment to Foster Self-Regulated Learning 洪煌堯Hong, Huang-Yao report 說明頁(178)
2022-07 Making Higher- Making Thinking Visible, Mindful, and Sensible: the Development and Implementation of Higher-Order Thinking Programs 葉玉珠 report 說明頁(178)
2022-07 人窮,志窮?學業復原力及全面心理健康對緩和馬太效應影響之研究 余民寧 report 說明頁(180)
2023-01 Classroom Management from the Perspectives of Intersectional Pedagogy: Teachers’ Multicultural Literacy as an Intermediary 李淑菁 report 說明頁(87)
2023-07 你是不是機器人?社會情緒學習能力發展之研究 余民寧 report 說明頁(72)
2022-07 協同視導實踐之個案研究 —以台北市教學輔導教師之個案學校到跨校協作為例 郭昭佑 report 說明頁(19)
2021-10 教學視導方案評鑑研究 —發展性視導可行方案與教師支持系統建構(2) 郭昭佑 report 說明頁(41)
2021-11 大學生消沉傾向之發展與影響:現象探討與趨勢分析 吳珮瑀 report 說明頁(33)
2022-10 酒癮患者的消沉歷程與其早年生活經驗之探索 吳珮瑀 report 說明頁(30)
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