
Showing 176-200 of 279
日期 題名 作者 類型 全文(次)
2012-06 Investigation of possible half-metal material on double perovskites Sr2BBO6 (B, B=3d transition metal) using first-principle calculations Liu, Y.P.、Chen, S.H.、Tung, J.C.、Wang, Y.K. article pdf(828)
2011-04 Nonlocal condensate model for QCD sum rules Hsieh, Ron-Chou、Li, Hsiang-nan、李湘楠 article pdf(682)
2012-12 Publisher`s Note: `A combined first principle calculations and experimental study on the spin-polarized band structure of Co-doped PbPdO2` [Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 222104 (2012)] Chen, S.W.、Huang, S.C.、Guo, G.Y.、Chiang, S.、Lee, J.M.、Chen, S.A.、Haw, S.C.、Lu, K.T.、Chen, J.M.、郭光宇 article pdf(886)
2012-03 Luminescence and density functional theory (DFT) calculation of undoped nitridosilicate phosphors for light-emitting diodes Xiao, Zhi-Ren、蕭智仁 article 說明頁(1157)
2015-11 Early treatment response predicted subsequent clinical response in patients with schizophrenia taking paliperidone extended-release Yeh, En-Chi、Huang, Ming-Chyi、Tsai, Chang-Jer、Chen, Chun-Tse、Chen, Kuan-Yu、Chiu, Chih-Chiang、蔡長哲 article pdf(729)
2015-11 Significant feed-forward connectivity revealed by high frequency components of BOLD fMRI signals Lin, Fa-Hsuan、Chu, Ying-Hua、Hsu, Yi-Cheng、Lin, Jo-Fu Lotus、Tsai, Kevin W.-K.、Tsai, Shang-Yueh、Kuo, Wen-Jui、蔡尚岳 article pdf(907)
2015-10 Reducing signal loss of the parahippocampal gyrus improves imaging of the default-mode network in 3.0-T MRI: the effect of susceptibility-induced field gradients Tseng, Yu-Sheng、Huang, Teng-Yi、Tsai, Shang-Yueh、蔡尚岳 article pdf(1035)
2015-10 Combining parallel detection of proton echo planar spectroscopic imaging (PEPSI) measurements with a data-consistency constraint improves SNR Tsai, Shang-Yueh、Hsu, Yi-Cheng、Chu, Ying-Hua、Kuo, Wen-Jui、Lin, Fa-Hsuan、蔡尚岳 article pdf(1269)
2015-10 Electronic Structures of Clusters of Hydrogen Vacancies on Graphene Wu, Bi-Ru、Yang, Chih-Kai、楊志開 article pdf(1062)
2015-10 Investigation of Readout RF Pulse Impact on the Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer Spectrum Huang, Sheng-Min、Jan, Meei-Ling、Liang, Hsin-Chin、Chang, Chia-Hao、Wu, Yi-Chun、Tsai, Shang-Yueh、Wang, Fu-Nien、蔡尚岳 article pdf(1073)
2015-10 A competing risk analysis of sequential complication development in Asian type 2 diabetes mellitus patients Cheng, Li-Jen、Chen, Jeng-Huei、Lin, Ming-Yen、Chen, Li-Chia、Lao, Chun-Huan、Luh, Hsing、Hwang, Shang-Jyh、陳政輝 、 陸行 article pdf(1357)
2015 Three arginine-rich cell-penetrating peptides facilitate cellular internalization of red-emitting quantum dots Liu, B.R.、Chen, H.H.、Chan, M.H.、Huang, Y.W.、Aronstam, R.S、Lee, H.J.* article 說明頁(927)
2012-04 Significant role of the DNA backbone in mediating the transition origin of electronic excitations of B-DNA - implication from long range corrected TDDFT and quantified NTO analysis Li, Jian-Hao、Chai, Jeng-Da、郭光宇、Hayashi, Michitoshi、Li, Jian-Hao、Chai, Jeng-Da、Guo, Guang-Yu、Hayashi, Michitoshi article pdf(875)
2012-10 Co Thickness Effect on the Dielectric Permittivity of SiO /Co/SiO Films 李尚凡、Lee, S.F. article pdf(1048)
2012-04 Vortex induced by dc current in a circular magnetic spin valve nanopillar 李尚凡、Lee, S.F. article pdf(970)
2012-10 Nb lateral Josephson junction induced by inverse proximity effect with NiFe 李尚凡、Lee, S.F. article 說明頁(1095)
2012-06 Thermoelectric Figure of Merit Enhancement in Bi2Te3-Coated Bi Composites 藍天蔚、Chen, Y. Y. article pdf(727)
2015 Thermoelectric properties optimization of Fe2VGa by tuning electronic density of states via titanium doping Wei, Pai-Chun、Huang, Ta-Sung、Lin, Shu-Wei、Guo, Guang-Yu、Chen, Yang-Yuan、黃大頌、陳洋元 article pdf(593)
2014-06 Anomalous Nernst and Hall effects in magnetized platinum and palladium Guo, G. Y.、Niu, Q.、Nagaosa, N.、郭光宇 article pdf(1134)
2015-04 Anomalous Hall effect and current spin polarization in Co2FeX Heusler compounds (Z = Al, Ga, In, Si, Ge, and Sn): A systematic ab initio study Huang, Hung-Lung、Tung, Jen-Chuan、Guo, Guang-Yu、董人銓、郭光宇 article pdf(1169)
2014-05 Gate-tunable Kondo resistivity and dephasing rate in graphene studied by numerical renormalization group calculations Lo, Po-Wei、Guo, Guang-Yu、Anders, Frithjof B.、郭光宇 article pdf(719)
2016-03 Identification of plant vacuolar transporters mediating phosphate storage 蔡尚岳、Liu, Tzu-Yin、Huang, Teng-Kuei、Yang, Shu-Yi、Hong, Yu-Ting、Huang, Sheng-Min、Wang, Fu-Nien article pdf(931)
2016-02 Sensory gating, inhibition control and gamma oscillations in the human somatosensory cortex 蔡尚岳、Cheng, Chia-Hsiung、Chan, Pei-Ying S.、Niddam, David M.、Tsai, Shang-Yueh、Hsu, Shih-Chieh、Liu, Chia-Yih article pdf(792)
2016-04 Effects of Frequency Drift on the Quantification of Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid Using MEGA-PRES 蔡尚岳、Tsai, Shang-Yueh、Fang, Chun-Hao、Wu, Thai-Yu、Lin, Yi-Ru article pdf(898)
2016-02 Myocardial triglyceride content at 3 T cardiovascular magnetic resonance and left ventricular systolic function: a cross-sectional study in patients hospitalized with acute heart failure 蔡尚岳、Liao, Pen-An、Lin, Gigin、Tsai, Shang-Yueh、Wang, Chao-Hung、Juan, Yu-Hsiang、Lin, Yu-Ching article pdf(945)