
Showing 1-25 of 40
Date Title Type Full Text Scopus WOS Altmetric
2021-09 策略執行績效鈍化之檢視:策略矩陣分析法 article 說明頁(174)
2021-03 競合中的競爭動態:策略矩陣分析法 article pdf(223)
2018-04 How rival partners compete based on cooperation? article pdf(635)
2017-09 Forming a Learning Network across Transactional Networks: The Case of the A-Team in Taiwan Bicycle Industry article pdf(439)
2016-06 Dynamics of external fit and internal fit: case of electronics industry article pdf(364)
2016-06 Relational capital, strategic alliances and learning: In-depth analysis of Chinese-Russian cases in Taiwan article pdf(318)
2015-12 從代工到自創品牌:在合作中啟動競爭 article pdf(783)
2012.11 Is cooperation with competitors a good idea? An example in practice article pdf(1164)
2012-08 以智慧資本導航工具探討社福機構之婦女服務方案資源管理 article pdf(1044)
2011.06 Intellectual capitals, business models and performance measurements in forming strategic network article pdf(898)
2011-01 Resource fit in inter-firm partnership: intellectual capital perspective article pdf(1082)
2010-06 社區心理健康中心創新營運模式之建構 article pdf(692)
2010.03 Managing Triads in a Military Avionics Service Maintenance Network in Taiwan article pdf(910)
2009-09 The Coexistence of Competition and Cooperation between Networks: Implications from Two Taiwanese Healthcare Networks article pdf(1280)
2009-09 Partner Nationality, Market Focus and IJV Performance: A Contingent Approach article pdf(1220)
2008 Competition and Cooperation of Hospitals: The Effects of Environment, Resource and Strategy on Performance article pdf(792)
2007 國際合資事業不穩定性之探討 article pdf(908)
2007 Intellectual capital and performance indicators: Taiwanese healthcare sector article pdf(930)
2007 不同方法應用於策略、結構與資源之配適分析-以醫療產業為例 article pdf(988)
2006.12 Benefiting from Networks by Occupying Central Positions – An empirical study of the Taiwan Healthcare Industry article 說明頁(1207)
2006-01 Benefiting from networks by occupying central position article
2005-03 監所醫療業務委託外包監督機制之研究 article 說明頁(278)
2005 競爭與合作策略-我國醫院策略、結構及資源之內部配適 article pdf(939)
2005 醫院策略與環境外部配適對績效影響之實證研究 article pdf(964)
2005 監所醫療業務委託外包及監督機制之研究 article 說明頁(783)