Publications-Periodical Articles

Showing 1-25 of 35
Date Title Type Full Text
2024-07 如何表達好感?國小六年級學生「與他人親密相處」教學之探究 article web page(65)
2024-05 Activity theory-based ecosystem for Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED) article web page(69)
2023-07 高中興趣喜好能否預測大一學習表現:以一所私立大學為例 article web page(90)
2023-06 Implications of student satisfaction with flipped classroom design in a Taiwan university article web page(200)
2023-06 Integrated science, technology, engineering, and mathematics project-based learning for physics learning from neuroscience perspectives article web page(169)
2023-06 Religiosity among indigenous peoples: A study of Cordilleran youth in the Philippines article web page(401)
2022-12 使用數位科技輔助Z世代年輕人教學與學習 article web page(180)
2022-11 Emotions towards God of select LGBTQs in the Philippines and the experience of shame article web page(234)
2022-10 Providing end-of-life care to COVID-19 patients: The lived experiences of ICU nurses in the Philippines article web page(197)
2022-02 Moderating Effects of Intercultural Social Efficacy and the Role of Language in the Context of Coping Strategies in Study Abroad Depression article web page(353)
2021-12 Perspectives on the barriers to and needs of teachers` professional development in the Philippines during COVID-19 article web page(432)
2021-12 Effects of cognitive knowledge and intercultural behavioral skills on cultural stereotypes and intercultural affects: a case of elementary students' perspective on Islam article web page(181)
2021-12 Experiences and challenges of an English as a medium of instruction course in Taiwan during COVID-19 article web page(182)
2021-10 Religiosity and contentment among teachers in the Philippines during COVID-19 pandemic: Mediating effects of resilience, optimism, and well-being article web page(160)
2021-09 Demographics as determinants for predicting quality of life among senior citizens in the Philippines article web page(145)
2021-09 Relationship of coping strategies and quality of life: Parallel and serial mediating role of resilience and social participation among older adults in Western Philippines article web page(142)
2021-08 The Part and Parcel of Doctoral Education: A Gap Analysis between the Importance and Satisfaction of the Experience. article pdf(302)
2021-07 Academic identity and communities of practice: Narratives of social science academics career decisions in Taiwan article web page(176)
2021-07 The moderating role of personality in the relationship between internet use and study abroad difficulties article web page(198)
2021-06 Religiosity, emotions, resilience, and wellness during COVID-19 pandemic: A study of Taiwanese university students article web page(178)
2021-05 The ebb and flow of study abroad: a comparative analysis of PRC and international students in Taiwan article web page(168)
2021-01 Centrality of Religiosity among select LGBTQs in the Philippines article web page(303)
2021-01 Validation of the Abrahamic Forms of the Centrality of Religiosity Scale (CRS-5, CRS-10, and CRS-15): Evidence from Selected University Students in the Philippines article web page(209)
2021-01 Validation of the interreligious forms of the Centrality of Religiosity Scale in Taiwan: Perspectives from selected university students article web page(140)
2020-12 A decade of change: The past 10 years of Taiwan higher education institutions article web page(171)