
Showing 1-25 of 27
Date Title Type Full Text
2024-07 Valuing playful teaching for game-technology-supported affect-focused mathematics teaching conference pdf(55)
2024-06 A bio-eco-tech model for teacher-researcher collaboration to implement an innovative, technological pedagogy for affect-focused mathematics learning conference pdf(48)
2024-05 Taiwan mathematics curriculum’s embedded values and valuing pedagogies: Evolving toward a multidimensional framework through cultural comparison research conference pdf(49)
2024-03 Gain an in-depth understanding of mathematical concepts through affect-focused teaching and computer games conference web page(57)
2024-03 Relationships between e-learning attitudes and satisfaction, learning motivation and satisfaction, and learning achievement of Vietnamese students in Taiwan conference web page(83)
2023-04 Teachers’ opinions toward the use of an affective teaching model in real and virtual mathematics and transdisciplinary classrooms conference web page(113)
2022-09 Effective ICT uses on mathematics achievement for immigrants in Western and Chinese countries conference pdf(218)
2022-08 Effective pedagogies by affective mathematics teaching conference pdf(130)
2022-07 Parents’ experiences and opinions about using virtual reality for educational purposes conference web page(119)
2021-11 Higher education intellectual performance, social network, and strategies over the pandemic time: A bio-eco-tech approach to online mathematics education conference pdf(191)
2021-06 Online mathematics education: A bibliometric analysis conference web page(425)
2021-02 Gender differences in factors relating to STEM choices in higher education: male-thing vs. female-people interest hypothesis conference web page(468)
2020-12 Becoming resilient and creative researchers in higher education facing COVID-19: A bioecological model by bibliometric mapping conference web page(213)
2020-10 An extended gender-matching hypothesis in mathematical problem-solving conference web page(223)
2020-08 Making the most of student reflections for internship supervision and assessment conference pdf(253)
2019.12 How does school leadership affect student mathematics achievement? conference web page(461)
2019.1 Adolescent mathematics ability trajectories and related ecological factors. conference web page(768)
2006-07 「生於憂患、死於安樂」?以台灣TIMSS資料進行團體效果與自我調節交互作用的多階層線性模式分析 conference
2006-07 A situated self-regulated learning system: Evidence from Taiwanese children’s constructs of mathematical problems. conference
2006-07 父母教養信念與方式經由孩子內在動機資源對孩子成就影響之研究:父母量表編製與模式驗證 conference
2005-11 Predictors of Mathematical Achievement and Deep Approaches: A Comparison Between TIMSS Results of Taiwan Japan and England conference
2005-07 Role of parents` involvement self-efficacy expectation and perception in young children`s achievement conference
2005-06 父母投入、自我效能、期望與知覺在孩子成就上扮演角色之研究 conference
2005 教師與學生對創造性與非創造性數學問題的教學與學習取向 conference
2005 多元智能各向度核心能力與興趣之詮譯-台灣專家的創見 conference