Publications-Periodical Articles

Showing 1-17 of 17
Date Title Type Full Text
2021-05 Relationship-building and language-oriented peer feedback—Fostering positive dynamics and feedback literacy in an EFL writing classroom article web page(462)
2019-07 Learning experience reigns – Taiwanese learners’ motivation in learning eight additional languages as compared to English article pdf(294)
2018-02 A GEARed peer feedback model and implications for learning facilitation article pdf(404)
2018-01 大學的英語學分學程—台灣各校概況整理與政治大學個案之歷史回顧 article pdf(269)
2018 A GEARed peer feedback model and implications for learning facilitation article pdf(441)
2016-07 Understanding learners` self-assessment and self-feedback on their foreign language speaking performance article pdf(815)
2016-04 No longer a teacher monologue – Involving EFL writing learners in teachers’ assessment and feedback processes article pdf(739)
2016-03 An action research on fostering critical thinking in EFL writing through formative assessment and feedback article pdf(954)
2015-11 Setting writing revision goals after assessment for learning article pdf(698)
2015-05 Understanding learners` self-assessment and self-feedback on their foreign language speaking performance article web page(1443)
2015 Motivating Revision by Integrating Feedback Into Revision Instructions article pdf(871)
2012.12 Like a bell responding to a striker -- Instruction contingent on assessment article pdf(566)
2012.03 Pushing learners to work through tests and marks: Motivating or demotivating? - A case in a Taiwanese university article pdf(1120)
2011.04 Convergent vs. divergent assessment: Impact on EFL students`` motivation and self-regulated learning strategies article pdf(1336)
2009-03-01 The efficacy of setting process goals in orienting EFL learners to attend to the formal aspects of oral production article pdf(1442)pdf(2345)
2008-12-01 Raising learner-initiated attention to the formal aspects of their oral production through transcription and stimulated reflection article pdf(1525)
2008 Assessing motivation and learning strategies using the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire in a foreign language learning context article pdf(1777)
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