Publications-Periodical Articles

Showing 1-19 of 19
Date Title Type Full Text
2024-04 Leveraging ESP teachers’ roles: EMI university teachers’ professional development in medical and healthcare fields article web page(63)
2023-01 CLIL development in bilingual education in Taiwan: Past, present, and future article web page(260)
2021-07 “I was a class leader”: Exploring a Chinese English teacher’s negative emotions in leadership development in Taiwan article web page(226)
2019-05 English-medium instruction in law and the humanities in higher education: the role of teacher identity. article web page(311)
2019-01 English-medium instruction in law and the humanities in higher education: the role of teacher identity article web page(421)
2018-01 Learner resistance to English-medium instruction practices: A qualitative case study. article pdf(199)
2018 Learner Resistance to English-medium Instruction Practices: A Qualitative Case Study article pdf(527)
2017-10 Constructing Identity in Language Education in Taiwan: An Introduction article pdf(401)
2017 Constructing identity in global contexts: An Introduction. article pdf(198)
2015-04 Affordance of English-Medium Instruction Contexts in Taiwan article pdf(411)
2014.09 Inner Contradictions in English-medium Instruction in Higher Education: From An Activity Theory Perspective. article pdf(919)
2014-06 Teaching Content Via English: A Qualitative Case Study of Taiwanese University Instructors` Instruction. article pdf(827)
2014-06 以英語授課:一個探討臺灣的大學教師教學情況之質性個案研究 article pdf(876)
2014 University instructors’ use of English as a medium of instruction in Taiwan: An Exploration of functions of contextual beliefs. article pdf(1180)
2012.06 Design and implementation of English-medium courses in higher article pdf(1104)
2011.12 English-Medium Instruction (EMI) Content-Area Teachers’ Pedagogical Content Knowledge of Scaffoldings: A Vygotskian Perspective article pdf(1334)
2010.01 International teachers`` cross-cultural teaching stories: A tragic comedy? article pdf(1282)
2009.06 English-only Instruction in Post-secondary Education in Taiwan: Voices from Students article pdf(963)
2006.01 Metaphors and experiencing teaching article pdf(925)
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