Publications-Periodical Articles

Showing 1-24 of 24
Date Title Type Full Text
2023-09 The ice model on the three-dimensional Hanoi graph article web page(86)
2023-02 Mean-field behavior of Nearest-Neighbor Oriented Percolation on the BCC Lattice Above 8 + 1 Dimensions article web page(71)
2018-09 Asymptotic behavior for a long-range Domany–Kinzel model article pdf(502)
2017-02 Asymptotic behavior for a generalized Domany Kinzel mode article web page(776)
2017 Asymptotic behavior for a generalized Domany Kinzel mode article pdf(536)
2015-10 Asymptotic behavior for a version of directed percolation on the honeycomb lattice article pdf(782)
2014.08 A monotonicity result for the range of a perturbed random walk article pdf(943)
2014-05 Asymptotic Behavior for a Version of Directed Percolation on the Triangular Lattice article pdf(1065)
2013.10 Ice model and eight-vertex model on the two-dimensional Sierpinski gasket article pdf(866)
2013.07 Asymptotic enumeration of independent sets on the Sierpinski gasket article pdf(957)
2011-09 Hamiltonian walks on the Sierpinski gasket article pdf(990)
2011.05 Asymptotic behavior of the gyration radius for long-range self- avoiding walk and long-range oriented percolation article web page(1470)
2011.03 Asymptotic Behavior for a Version of Directed Percolation on the Square Lattice article pdf(1151)
2010.03 Structure of spanning trees on the two-dimensional Sier- pinski gasket article pdf(749)
2009.10 Critical behavior and the limit distribution for long-range oriented percolation. II: Spatial correlation article pdf(899)
2009.04 Number of connected spanning subgraphs on the Sierpinski gasket article pdf(874)
2008.11 Spanning Forests on the Sierpinski Gasket article pdf(788)
2008.09 Critical behavior and the limit distribution for long-range oriented percolation article pdf(1067)
2008.05 Dimer Coverings on the Sierpinski Gasket article pdf(1047)
2008.03 Dimer-Monomer Model on the Sierpinski Gasket article pdf(902)
2007.03 Spanning Tree on Sierpinski Gasket article pdf(1116)
2006.09 Critical Behavior for an Oriented Percolation with Long-Range Interactions in dimensions $d>2$ article pdf(968)
2005-08 The Ramdom Cluster Model and New Summation and Integration Identities article pdf(377)
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