
Showing 26-50 of 116
Date Title Type Full Text Scopus WOS Altmetric
2020-09 The Effects of Video-Annotated Learning and Reviewing System with Vocabulary Learning Mechanism on English Listening Comprehension and Technology Acceptance article pdf(177)
2020-01 The Effects of Sharing Selection, Organization, Association, and Regulation (SOAR) Study Note on Learners’ Reading Comprehension and Reading Anxiety article pdf(232)
2018-12 數位內容策展在大學校史館的協作與應用 article pdf(379)
2013 Subject analysis on the field of E-learning research article pdf(914)
2010-01 Problem-based Learning Supported by Digital Archives-Case Study of Taiwan Libraries` History Digital Library article pdf(1704)
2008-05 Personalized Web-based Tutoring System Based on Fuzzy Item Response Theory article pdf(1389)
2008-09 Personalized Mobile English Vocabulary Learning System Based on Item Response Theory and Learning Memory Cycle, article pdf(1373)
2006 Personalized Learning Path Generation Scheme Utilizing Genetic Algorithm for Web-based Learning article
2008-07 Personalized Intelligent M-learning System for Supporting Effective English Learning article pdf(1436)
2009-04 Personalized E-News Monitoring Agent System for Tracking User-interested Chinese News Events, article pdf(1492)
2009-07 Personalized E-learning system with self-regulated learning assisted mechanisms for promoting learning performance article pdf(1167)
2005 Personalized E-Learning System Using Item Response Theory article pdf(168)
2006-02 Personalized Curriculum Sequencing Using Modified Item Response Theory for Web-based Instruction article pdf(2450)
2010-12 Personalized Context-Aware Ubiquitous Learning System for Supporting Effective English Vocabulary Learning article 說明頁(1678)
2009-12 Ontology-based Concept Map for Planning a Personalized Learning Path article pdf(1308)
2023-12 Moodle數位學習平臺之討論即時分析機制與合作問題導向學習平臺之小組激勵機制促進遠距教學學習成效 article pdf(63)
2009-01 Mobile Formative Assessment Tool Based on Data Mining Techniques for Supporting Web-based Learning, article pdf(1284)
2013.06 Mining Useful News Information Based on Reader Feedback for Building News Communities article pdf(1099)
2014-02 Mining Learning Social Networks for Cooperative Learning with Appropriate Learning Partners in a Problem-based Learning Environment article 說明頁(1805)
2007-02 Mining Learner Profile Based on Association Rule for Web-based Learning Diagnosis article
2006 Mining Formative Evaluation Rules Using Web-Based Learning Portfolios for Web-Based Learning Systems article pdf(2093)
2020-04 Mining Effective Learning Behaviors in a Web-based Inquiry Science Environment article pdf(174)
2007-11 Learning Performance Assessment Approach Using Web-based Learning Portfolios for E-learning Systems, article
2016-08 Investigating the Effects of Structured and Guided Inquiry on Students’ Development of Conceptual Knowledge and Inquiry Abilities: A Case Study in Taiwan article pdf(539)
2013-03 互動式擴增實境系統支援國小圖書館利用教育 article pdf(1250)