All Of Publications(Limit:Theses)

Showing 1-25 of 47867
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2004 用戶端作業環境管理系統之設計 石旭本 thesis web page(787)
2002 臺灣九二一地震災民的羅夏克測驗反應型態 劉瑞華 thesis web page(895)
2003 The impact of multidimensional rumination on mood fluctuation for college students 涂珮瓊、PEI CHIUNG TU thesis web page(854)
2006 Uncovering the veil of Osho Mystic Rose activity--A Narrative Approach 吳浩平、Wu,Hau Ping thesis web page(884)
2004 探討焦慮症之神經行為機制:以抬高式T形迷津之動物模式為例 張雅惠、Chang, Yea-Huey thesis web page(873)
2002 影響高科技研發人員過度工作因素及工作類型之探討 郭若蘭、Daphne J. L. Kuo thesis web page(785)
2004 女性的原生家庭經驗、戀愛經驗、婚姻觀與婚姻行為意向之關係 許雅惠 thesis web page(1005)
2004 非線性波方程之研究 吳舜堂、Wu,Shun-Tang thesis web page(904)
2006 模糊樣本之區間迴歸分析 陳孝煒 thesis web page(778)
2008 Existence of solutions for some nonlinear equations 陳品均 thesis web page(776)
2001 Ontology Learning from Query Logs of Search Engines 陳茂富 thesis web page(692)
2005 QoS Budget Allocation and Path Planning in All-IP Core Network 林岳生、Lin, Yue-Sheng thesis web page(631)
2005 A UDP-Based Protocol for Distributed P2P File Sharing 許弘奇、Xu,Hong-Qi thesis web page(675)
2006 A New Jitter Control Mechanism by Per-Hop Packet Scheduling Approach 林宗銘、Lin,Tsung-Ming thesis web page(622)
2006 Prolong Network Lifetime by Detection Range Adjustment in Wireless Sensor Networks 李翰宗、Lee,Hon-Chung thesis web page(637)
2006 A Dynamically Configurable Access Control Mechanism for Electronic Medical Records 許原瑞、Hsu,Yuan Jui thesis web page(528)
2006 A Study on Realizing Model-Driven Development using Aspect Templates 楊世睿、Yang, Sir-Jur thesis web page(507)
2007 A Configurable Editor for Specifying Access Control Rule In Electronic Medical Records 王心怡、Wang,Hsin-Yi thesis web page(609)
2007 Hop-by-Hop TCP over MANET 游逸帆、Yu,Yi-Fan thesis web page(625)
2007 QoS-Aware Packet Scheduling by Looking Ahead Approach 溫永全、Wen,Yung-Chuan thesis web page(536)
2007 選擇性保證封包到達之通訊協定設計 吳明翰 thesis web page(600)
2008 A Heuristics shortest path algorithm by backbone orientation 林啟榮、Lin, Chi Jung thesis
2007 Semantic privacy policies-Research for the enforcement of privacy protection inside the bank 李家輝、Lee, Chia Hui thesis web page(622)
2009 Classification prediction on government official’s rank promotion 賴隆平、Lai, Long Ping thesis web page(621)
2007 A Preprocessor for Automatic Synthesis of Composite Web Services 林美芝、Lin,Mei Chih thesis web page(547)