All Of Publications(Limit:College of Education、Books & Chapters in Books、2020-2029)

Showing 1-25 of 58
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2020-02 動勢身體意象:構念與實踐 李宗芹、Lee, Tsung-Chin book 說明頁(408)
2020-01 暴力預防與關係促進的心理處遇: 親職教育、伴侶諮商、與學校輔導的新策略 傅如馨、Fu, Trista Juhsin book 說明頁(461)
2020-03 PDS校長的領導創見 ; 實踐策略與辦學績效關係之研究 林進山、Lin, Chin-Shan book 說明頁(256)
2020-12 素養導向的教學與評量 陳幼慧、Chen, Yu-Hui book/chapter 說明頁(385)
2020-09 Internal and External Quality Assurance of Higher Education in the Asia-Pacific Region 侯永琪、Hou, Angela Yung Chi book/chapter 說明頁(270)
2020-06 The Impact of the Expansion of Higher Education on the Rate of Return to Higher Education in Taiwan 吳政達、 湯家偉、Wu, Cheng-Ta Tang, Chia-wei book/chapter 說明頁(431)
2020-02 量表編製與發展—Rasch測量模型的應用 余民寧、Yu, Min-Ning book pdf(250)
2020-10 邊緣教育學:寫給教育新鮮人的導讀書 李淑菁、Lee, Shu-Ching book pdf(298)
2020-09 Higher Education in Taiwan: Global, Political and Social Challenges and Future Trends 侯永琪、Hou, Angela Yung-Chi book pdf(136)
2021-01 野力:翻轉慣行教育!培養獨立性 x 思辨力 x 創造力 李淑菁、Lee, Shu-Ching book 說明頁(274)
2020 Sustainable development at Pui Ching Middle School, Macau : a decade of innovative curriculum reforms 周祝瑛Chou, Chou. C. P. book pdf(153)
2020.05 Innovation Policy For Human Capital Investment In Taiwan`s Education 周祝瑛Chou, Chou. C. P. book/chapter pdf(189)
2021-09 The Developing History of “Cheng Zhang Childhood Education Center” (1983~1988) 倪鳴香Ni, Ming Shiang book/chapter
2021-09 敘述中消逝的歷史-臺北市立建城托兒所五十年發展圖景(1954-2007) 倪鳴香Ni, Ming Shiang book/chapter
2021-04 慈心華德福教育實驗高級中等學校發展圖像之研究 倪鳴香Ni, Ming Shiang book/chapter 說明頁(218)
2021-08 巔峰型教師—快樂教師效應的實踐 余民寧、Yu, Min-Ning book 說明頁(200)
2021-08 移民情勢與外來人口人性尊嚴及人權保障 吳冠杰、柯雨瑞、黃翠紋 book/chapter 說明頁(222)
2020-01 試論國內外抗制毒品犯罪法制之現況、困境與對策 吳冠杰、柯雨瑞、黃翠紋 book/chapter 說明頁(191)
2020-07 試論國際災害防救機制-兼論對我國之啟示 吳冠杰、柯雨瑞、黃翠紋 book/chapter 說明頁(178)
2021-09 Recalibrating After Two Decades of Rapid Expansion: The Pursuit of Excellence Amid Declining Enrollment in Taiwan 陳榮政、Chen, Robin Jung-Cheng、Ho, Sophia Shi-Huei book/chapter 說明頁(248)
2021-01 Higher Education Massification in Taiwan: Equity for Whom? 侯永琪、Hou, Angela Yung-Chi、Lu, I-Jung Grace、Chiang, Tung-liang book/chapter 說明頁(186)
2021-01 Historical Development of Higher Education in Taiwan from Past to Present 侯永琪、Hou, Angela Yung-Chi、Chiang, Tung-liang、Chan, Sheng-Ju、Lu, I-Jung Grace book/chapter 說明頁(231)
2021-01 Quality Assurance in Taiwan Higher Education: Regulation, Model Shift, and Future Prospect 侯永琪、Hou, Angela Yung-Chi、Lin, Alan Shao Ren、Chan, Sheng-Ju、Chiang, Tung-liang book/chapter 說明頁(186)
2021-01 What Are the Challenges for Building World Class Universities in Taiwan? Assessing Taiwan’s Excellence Initiatives Since 2005 侯永琪、Hou, Angela Yung-Chi、Hill, Christopher book/chapter 說明頁(173)
2021-12 Quality Assurance of Transnational Education in Asia 侯永琪、 林芳伃、Hou, Angela Yung-Chi、 Lin, Arianna Fang Yu、Hsu, Pin Chuan、Chou, Hua Chi book/chapter 說明頁(222)